[Plugin] FloorGenerator ( Updated 6-Apr-2017)
[mod=:aa23d7b7]This extension is no longer available.[/mod:aa23d7b7]
Update 30-Jun-2015
Current Material taken from picked face if it has material applied.
Random Textures from folder or model. New multiple selection window.
New Irregular Polygon generator.
Option to create Pattern behind face if face represents finished floor or wall.
Option to create each Brick, Tile, etc. as a individual group.Update 7-Mar-2015
Saves last pattern from session to session
Random texture folder selectable and saved from session to sessionUpdate 21-Sep-2014
Corrected Random Imperfection logic and added inputs for min and max values.
Added Add Bevel size input.Update 02-Jun-2014
Hopefully fixed the problem for those of you who insist on X'ing out of the WebDialog.
Added Toolbar Icon and a new pattern or two.Update 13-May-2014
Latest version uploaded to the Plugin Store. Added "Seed" option to enable repeatable random results.Update 7-May-2014
Fixed a couple of bugs dealing with align with edge and random imperfections. Added two more patterns. If you have previously downloaded and used this plugin, I strongly recommend that you use the reset option when you run this version for the first time.Update 4-May-2014
Eliminated the Update button. All drop lists and checkboxes automatically update when selection changes or clicked. Input boxes update when changed and exited using Tab key. Added Fixed Depth option. Several new patterns added including an irregular polygon pattern.Update 30-Apr-2014:
Changed pattern selection from Radio Buttons to a Drop List.
Added Align Texture to Edge option. The longest edge is used.
Added Hopscotch and Hexagon patterns. For Hexagon, the greater of the length and width is used as the radius/length of side.Update 25-Apr-2014:
Added Basket Weave pattern and fixed minor bug with 0 texture size. Due to the nature of this pattern, length and width are "tied" to one another so the maximum of length or width*count is kept and the other adjusted to match.My attempt to satisfy a request for a plugin that will generate typical floor patterns.
The plugin, when installed, will be found in Plugins>SDM Tools>Face Tool>FloorGenerator
Select a pattern option, modify the size and options as desired then click on the face to which the pattern is to be applied.Random Position Texture moves the texture applied to each pattern face in a random direction. Rotate Texture rotates the texture applied to each pattern face by 90, 180 or a random number of degrees. Random Imperfections "unlevels" each pattern face a random amount and about a random axis. Texture size, when entered, allows you to specify the width and height of the texture applied to each pattern face. The %offset only applies to the Brick and Tile pattern options and will only be displayed when one of them is selected. The Fixed Depth option when unchecked will vary the Gap Depth by 0.5 to 1.5 the value entered.
Specific to the Wood pattern option is Fixed Length and Fixed Width. When checked, all full boards will be the length entered and all boards will be the width entered. When unchecked, both the length and width of each "row" will be random. They are independent of one another and can be used individually.
Thank you!!!
I've said it before, but thanks you!
I think you forgot to say that if you place a folder called BTW_Textures in your plugin folder and choose use Apply material: Rand_Tex it will use all textures in that folder. Here are a few tests I've made:
Can you spot the tiling? No, because there is none. This is with 10 small seamless brick textures used.
This is just one single seamless texture used.
This is also just one texture used.
Here is a zip file with the bricks textures I made. Enjoy! (Unzip into your plugins folder.)
Really excited to try this out - looks fantastic!!!
Ahhhhh yeah Boooooi!!!
Any chance for custom patterns?
All hail Plugin Maestro!
So many possibilities! Well done to you Sam!
Brilliant, just Brilliant..
Sdmitch, first off thank you for helpful tool!
Could you please polish the following things (though it was puplished as floorgenerator):- inconsistent grid origin\rotation (tried on simple cube, see pic.1)
- additional option 'respect user's pattern- one tile per face, consistent gaps (pic.2).
- 'don't penetrate corners' option(very important for metal panel siding\glazing)
I guess, to implement p.1 and 2, the tool would have to work with multiple faces. - respect adjacent faces!
- pick up file's units (I'm on cm, for instance)?
- presets saving?
Thank you once again.
Floor generator at last! Thank you sdmich! Very useful.
Thank you very much! I can't wait to give this a go!
@rviz said:
Sdmitch, first off thank you for helpful tool!
Could you please polish the following things (though it was puplished as floorgenerator):
Yes, I probably should have called it Pattern Generator instead.-
inconsistent grid origin\rotation (tried on simple cube, see pic.1)
By design, the plugin aligns the pattern length with the longest edge of the face picked. In this case, I would undo and redo the face with 90 rotation selected. -
additional option 'respect user's pattern- one tile per face, consistent gaps (pic.2).
????????? -
'don't penetrate corners' option(very important for metal panel siding\glazing)
I guess, to implement p.1 and 2, the tool would have to work with multiple faces.
This is a pattern generator not a groove cutter. -
respect adjacent faces!
Nothing this plugin does should ever effect an adjacent face. -
pick up file's units (I'm on cm, for instance)?
It does determine the units used but switches to inches or millimeters while executing then returns model to original units when exiting. -
presets saving?
All the values for each option are saved in the registry and retrieved when needed.
Thank you once again.
I'm thrilled that finally this is available in Sketchup!
Unfortunatelly, it isn't available in the download link any more...
EDIT: Yes... Updating! Can't wait to try it out!
@sdmitch said:
@rviz said:
Sdmitch, first off thank you for helpful tool!
Could you please polish the following things (though it was puplished as floorgenerator):
Yes, I probably should have called it Pattern Generator instead.I meant it's not only 'floor' but rather general building finishes modeller.
So it could be tweaked (or 'polished') for wider use.- inconsistent grid origin\rotation (tried on simple cube, see pic.1)
By design, the plugin aligns the pattern length with the longest edge of the face picked. In this case, I would undo and redo the face with 90 rotation selected.
I see. But may for vertical\ surfaces the horizontal direction set the lenth?
- additional option 'respect user's pattern- one tile per face, consistent gaps (pic.2).
simply every single preselected polygon will turn into the single tile piece (multiple selection would be crucial in this case). see pic.2 in my previous reply.
- 'don't penetrate corners' option(very important for metal panel siding\glazing)
I guess, to implement p.1 and 2, the tool would have to work with multiple faces.
This is a pattern generator not a groove cutter.
I'd call it building finishes modeler. So in addition to bricks, tiles and parquet
It'd be sweet to get metal panels which have special treatment at the corners. Please
see:BTW have you ever thought about 'groove cutter'? It's really missing
Many thanks for attention
- inconsistent grid origin\rotation (tried on simple cube, see pic.1)
Thanks sdmitch, another great tool, will speed up my decks and patios no end
SDMitch, thank you for your generosity and talent.
@pixero said:
I've said it before, but thanks you!
I think you forgot to say that if you place a folder called BTW_Textures in your plugin folder and choose use Apply material: Rand_Tex it will use all textures in that folder. Here are a few tests I've made:
[attachment=3:1u96rdu7]<!-- ia3 -->Bricks01.jpg<!-- ia3 -->[/attachment:1u96rdu7]
Can you spot the tiling? No, because there is none. This is with 10 small seamless brick textures used.[attachment=2:1u96rdu7]<!-- ia2 -->floor03.jpg<!-- ia2 -->[/attachment:1u96rdu7]
This is just one single seamless texture used.[attachment=0:1u96rdu7]<!-- ia0 -->tiles01.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:1u96rdu7]
This is also just one texture used.Pixero, thank you very much.
A new update. Added two new patterns.