[Plugin] FloorGenerator ( Updated 6-Apr-2017)
@sdmitch said:
It might be possible, in part at least, for a perfect size face but doubtful for a random size face. I'll see what I can do.
that would be great,
if you need a sketchup file i can send this via PMcan i use this in a curve,too?
thank you dean
@deaneau said:
@sdmitch said:
It might be possible, in part at least, for a perfect size face but doubtful for a random size face. I'll see what I can do.
that would be great,
if you need a sketchup file i can send this via PMcan i use this in a curve,too?
thank you dean
Please do. I hate trying to guess.
Suggestion for different Texture Packs.
what do you think about different texture pack.
in the texture folder i have different folders with diferent textures.
this could be selected via dropdown.thank you Dean
Hallo is this possible?
green arrows mean only this direction(s) i want
selected multiple face doing this in one step
here what i have choose in preferences
the wall in the backbround is a curved object.
the result is this
reason could be that a curved face is splitted in smaller face like this
the wall part i want produce have an exact width of 1200mm (3' 11")
or have anybody an other solution?download this file here
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the curved face havnยดt the exaxt width
thank you -
Sorry but FloorGenerator only works on faces not surfaces. Even if hidden geometry is not displayed, when you pick a point on the surface you select just one of the faces that make up the surface.
You could create a face with the overall dimensions of the surface. Then use Shape Bender to produce the curved surface after applying the tile pattern. A bit of work but all I can offer at this time.
@sdmitch said:
Sorry but FloorGenerator only works on faces not surfaces. Even if hidden geometry is not displayed, when you pick a point on the surface you select just one of the faces that make up the surface.
You could create a face with the overall dimensions of the surface. Then use Shape Bender to produce the curved surface after applying the tile pattern. A bit of work but all I can offer at this time.
yes this i have try before i asking here, with Fredo Scale ( Radial Bending)
what you mean is Chris Fullmer Shape Bender.
i have never tried it before.
ok, this work.
now i have a problem. the segments have not the exact lenght.
your plugin AddPts2Curve was my help, to see where on the curve is the 1,2m point and the next etc.
I will try step by step all your plugins.
Helper like plugins will every time be welcome.thank you
@sdmitch Its the first time I see HTML code embedded in a Ruby script. Thanks for not using .rbs
It gives me some confidence and a template to redo some of my scripts incorporating HTML.Finally I have an example & see how with HTML I can place pictures next to my drop-down boxes.
That's the way I learned what little I know.
Hello Sam,
is it possible to insert the feature that tiles is grouped?
actually if i generate a floor i have only a main group.
when tiles is grouped i can do random rotate with mover2.
this will look a little bit more inperfect.
in mover i can use random rotation in x,y or z axis and can insert the degree by value.
thank you
@deaneau said:
Hello Sam,
is it possible to insert the feature that tiles is grouped?
Do you mean each individual brick is a group?actually if i generate a floor i have only a main group.
when tiles is grouped i can do random rotate with mover2.
That is what the "Random Imperfections" option is for. That feature was fixed and enhanced in the last update on 21-Septhis will look a little bit more inperfect.
in mover i can use random rotation in x,y or z axis and can insert the degree by value.
thank you
[attachment=1:1zcdcsd3]<!-- ia1 -->_2014.10.07_23h12m17s_019_01006.jpg<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment:1zcdcsd3]
[attachment=0:1zcdcsd3]<!-- ia0 -->_2014.10.07_23h29m06s_020_01007.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:1zcdcsd3]
i have seen your plugin "Random Rotation".
in this plugin you could insert 3 checkmarks for x y z-axis.so i have the control for axis. actually looks that the rotation work in all axis.
like this
the random inperfection rotate in all axis.. some times i would have only a rotation in z-axis. a value in degree is helpful.
when all tiles would be in own group..so i could work with mover2 and in the last step ungroup this tiles.ungrouping go faster than grouping if i have tiles more than 1000+ .
thank you
@deaneau said:
i have seen your plugin "Random Rotation".
in this plugin you could insert 3 checkmarks for x y z-axis.so i have the control for axis. actually looks that the rotation work in all axis.
like this
[attachment=0:2bd2nz7e]<!-- ia0 -->_2014.10.09_09h12m14s_003_01011.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:2bd2nz7e]
That plugin is for rotating whole components or groups not individual entities within the component or group.
@sdmitch said:
That plugin is for rotating whole components or groups not individual entities within the component or group.
yes ..ok no problem
Hello Sam,
i have a project for this i would use your FloorGenerator.
i know that you have a random textur feature in this plugin.
what do you think about to integrate a feature that doing follow:
i have 10 different pattern and i would use 10 different texture packs.
a approach to solving this problem could be that all textures have a prefix.
for example.
A_Texture1,A_Texture2,A_Texture3 etc
B_Texture1,B_Texture2,B_Texture3 etc.A_ B_ C_ etc is the prefix.
Texture1, Texture2 is a placeholder for my own given name.when i use in the first step the Tile Pattern and i will use a texture pack A_
dropdown menue let me choose the Prefix A_
in the next step i would use Brick Pattern with TexturePack B_
i choose only in the dropdown the Prefix B_
this textures with a given Prefix i want use for your Random texture feature.
actually i must change the textures in the texture folder when i want have different textures in the next step.
if the floor is generated i would have all parts in own groups.
actually the floors is only in one main group.
why i would have this features.
the workflow after integrating this feature would be more faster and when the objects is in own groups i can animate this in other programs.
download here
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thank you
p.s.component is better than groups i think
i have had a problem with random texture.
my result was this:
after renaming all textures with a prefix i have solve this problem
here a example for file renaming:
and here a freeware to remame files with your favorit prefix etc.
Download for Windows and Mac - Advanced Renamer
Download the batch renamer, Advanced Renamer for Windows and macOS.
many thanks at Sam for the hard work for the Floor Generator
I was looking for such a tool for SketchUp so long! Thanks for it!
I'm playing with the plugin now, and I have a questions:- is there a way to limit the used quantity of the colors in "Rand_clr" mode?
Sorry but no.
What is the latest version of this plugin? This is different than the one downloaded straight from the SketchUcation store in SU.
Also, you can't change the size of the pattern?? I want to set a 10' long wood board pattern, but it's stuck on 10" and won't accept any changes.
Does this work correctly at all? -
@logan683 said:
What is the latest version of this plugin? This is different than the one downloaded straight from the SketchUcation store in SU.
Also, you can't change the size of the pattern?? I want to set a 10' long wood board pattern, but it's stuck on 10" and won't accept any changes.
Does this work correctly at all?21-Sep-2014 is the latest version. The plugin is setup for inches or millimeters so 10' is not valid, enter 120 instead.