Be nice Box... It only took me a few seconds to forward to the sketchup part... You can also link straight to the time you want with the share link below the video on youtube.
It looks to me like Pluspec from Diabac. but after looking at their site, I don't think it is. I have or have tried most all the architectural plugins and that one is new to me. Is it an optional toolbar for maybe buildedge?
Yes that did read a little abrupt, but what it meant was,
It is more likely that someone will recognise it and give you an answer if it is posted as a screen shot. A lot of people will view the thread but not bother clicking the link to watch the video. So when asking for help make it as easy as possible for people to help you.
I don't know the toolbar.
You're a good man Charlie Brown...
Since you're so kind, I have another question for you guys (I think it's useless to open a new topic).
I can't see any progress bar when I use the plugins. Have you heard of this little issue before?
It depends on the plugin... some use it and some don't I'm no expert But I think the progressbar is actually a plugin itself. I could be wrong. Make sure you have the uptodate version. it might have been incorporated in to sketchup.
@unknownuser said:
It looks to me like Pluspec from Diabac. but after looking at their site, I don't think it is.
It's not Plus Spec, this is how Plus Spec looks:
Yeah... show off.
Your website is looking really good Solo.
@krisidious said:
Your website is looking really good Solo.
It is? I have been slacking, still need to fix broken links add last years images and clean up crap.
Thanks anyway, I can procrastinate another month now.
Well, it's probably been a year since I've been there. Looks all new to me.
@pibuz said:
Hi guys,
I've recently been interested by the soon available easysketch tool, so I'm following the new videos on youtube;feature=youtu.beI see a toolbar I don't know on the upper left, near the dynamic components toolbar.. It's made up of several icons: a door, a stair, walls...
Do you know what plugin is it? can you point me to it?Thanks a lot in advance and sorry for the silly question.. -
Doppel wins the cookie... He's found it. I wonder if they do imperial? I'll have to check it out. I've seen it before but they were only doing euro standards. Now they have some solid section tool as well.
Tested dibac and removed it after an hour of testing
- too complex working only in 2d initially.
- does not easily allow for change
- limited elements or components, have to work to build up your own.
My current preference is for LSS Arch Lite
LSS Arch Lite by Kirill B with LSS Zone it provides flexible tools for sketch design and design development
before leaping into one's program of choice for contract documentation.