Delete Component Reference
I think you'll find a bit of purging of your old files will slim them down somewhat.
I can't seem to locate the Purge option in the Components drop down. Can you give some further guidance?
Not components.
Go Window/Model info/ Statistics tab click button at the bottom, Purge Unused. -
Actually it is available in the Components window. It's in the Details menu. Click the little black arrow icon that points to the right on the right edge of the window. Make sure the current library is In Model or it won't be available.
Once again Dave we have shown that there is usually more than one way to skin a cat.
@box said:
Not components.
Go Window/Model info/ Statistics tab click button at the bottom, Purge Unused.And be sure t check "show nested components" is on!
Got it!!! Thanks for your help. Actually I also just found that I could "right click" then "delete" within the In Model window. I could have sworn I tried that earlier only to find the "delete" to be greyed out. Oh Well. I then tried the Purge in the Details window and it also worked. Very cool cleaner up'er. Lotta drawings to go through now!
But, not today.
Thanks again you three.
Tig also has a plugin called Purge All that lets you choose what to purge.
Yes, you can right click on the thumbnail and choose Delete but you want to be careful with that one. You can delete all instances of the component in the model, too. I know in this case you said there weren't any instances left in the model space but for future reference keep that in mind. If after running Purge Unused the thumbnail you were expecting to see go away is still there, it would indicate that component is still in use somewhere in the model and you should go looking for it.
Further advice well received. I will also look for the Purge plug in. I saw a post below mine that was griping about SU. Every program has its limits no matter the dollar assigned to it. Frankly after 5 years and the need for simplicity in 3D drawing I think SU has really been a great addition for the amateur world. Especially when Sketucation can come through with pleasant down to earth, straight to detail, advice like what I have just experienced. I did not mean to start anything new here. I merely mean to again (and in another way) thank those people that so enjoy the program that they are willing to offer free advice. Fords are Fords. Fords simply just don't come with Rolls Royce interiors. But, you can still have a nice ride through the countryside while in a Ford!