Load Error installing Plugins from Store into 2014
I have had the same load error problem with all completely new and updated plugins, which includes plugins from their own Extension Warehouse, and I have contacted Sketchup about it. I just the received the reply today.
Here is the response I have received so far:
I understand you've installed some plugins using the Extension Warehouse and from SketchUcation but they aren't loading properly.There aren't any known issues with plugins failing so the best thing to do is remove all plugins and only install them one at a time, starting with installing from the Extension Warehouse first to ensure that eveyrthing installs properly. If removing plugins from the folder doesn't restore functionality then you may need to uninstall SketchUp and restart before reinstalling and starting the process again.
I just received this about two hours ago so I haven't had time to try their recommendation of loading one plugin at a time... which frankly seems to be an odd claim for the reason behind load errors, but whatever. When and if I get any other messages from Sketchup I will post them here.
@sdmitch said:
I have updated Rotated Circle_Cylinder and Stair Maker to make them 2014 compliant.
I will update the PluginStore versions for you shortly... -
I have added those two updates to the PluginStore.
I've also made a simple one character typo-fix for Matt's ToggleUnits and updated that too... -
I should note that when I do a re-install and have no third party plugins installed, this is what I get upon startup.
Error Loading File su_advancedcameratools.rb
Error: #<LoadError: cannot load such file -- su_advancedcameratools.rb>
Error Loading File su_dynamiccomponents.rb
Error: #<LoadError: cannot load such file -- su_dynamiccomponents.rb>
Error Loading File su_sandbox.rb
Error: #<LoadError: cannot load such file -- su_sandbox.rb>
Error Loading File su_webtextures.rb
Error: #<LoadError: cannot load such file -- su_webtextures.rb> -
What version of SketchUp - your profile says v8, but this is a v2014 thread ??
These four "su_..." RB files are specifically made for v2014 [and also v2013].
They are almost certainly not compatible with v8 which has its own equivalents kept in the 'Tools' folder.These files will also load from different locations etc depending on the version...
In v2014 they live in the 'ShippedExtensions' folder and are auto-copied into the user's own 'Plugins' folder as SketchUp starts [making them impossible to Manage using SCF tools as their RB! files are replaced with RB by SketchUp, without asking you!]
So have you removed them from the 'ShippedExtensions' folders, or somehow changed things from the basic installation ?
Also please tell us you have NOT copied an older Plugins folder into the main SketchUp folder.
All of you Plugins belong in your own user 'Plugins' folder.
New Plugins should be installed, rather than copying potentially incompatible old ones from earlier versions...If you have reinstalled SUp v2014 check that all of the files exist in 'ShippedExtensions' - i.e. the four 'su_...rb' files and equivalent named subfolders...
@tig said:
What version of SketchUp - your profile says v8, but this is a v2014 thread ??
These four "su_..." RB files are specifically made for v2014 [and also v2013].
They are almost certainly not compatible with v8 which has its own equivalents kept in the 'Tools' folder.These files will also load from different locations etc depending on the version...
In v2014 they live in the 'ShippedExtensions' folder and are auto-copied into the user's own 'Plugins' folder as SketchUp starts [making them impossible to Manage using SCF tools as their RB! files are replaced with RB by SketchUp, without asking you!]
So have you removed them from the 'ShippedExtensions' folders, or somehow changed things from the basic installation ?
Also please tell us you have NOT copied an older Plugins folder into the main SketchUp folder.
All of you Plugins belong in your own user 'Plugins' folder.
New Plugins should be installed, rather than copying potentially incompatible old ones from earlier versions...If you have reinstalled SUp v2014 check that all of the files exist in 'ShippedExtensions' - i.e. the four 'su_...rb' files and equivalent named subfolders...
This is in SU2014. No I haven't copied my old plugins into 2014. I am aware that they go in different locations. I installed them directly from both Extension Warehouse and Sketchucation. I haven't changed anything.
the location they are installing themselves into is:
C:\Users\Eric's Graphics\AppData\Roaming\SketchUp\SketchUp 2014\SketchUp\PluginsI'm not seeing any 'ShippedExtensions' folder, unless it exists in another location of the drive not associated with where the plugins are being installed.
I may have solved my problem (the novel).
After uninstalling I did a search of anything listed as Sketchup 2014 and deleted all the leftover remnants that don't uninstall after uninstalling. This included a few files and folders in various locations which includes Programs(x86), Temps, Downloads, and the App Data stuff... (I love how uninstall isn't really a full uninstall, it's merely as little as can be uninstalled so it can be called an uninstall. Freaking hell.)Here is my thinking, but I could be wrong...
Perhaps what was binding me up was that there were some temp files, log files, two .msi files and the original .exe file(s) in various locations that all had linked to SU2014. What I'm thinking is that Windows was obviously still remembering the incorrect installation locations for the .rb files even after uninstalling and deleting the most obvious program files... so I did the extended search to find everything that was still leftover that might be pointing to incorrect locations.or
I also rebooted after uninstalling and deleting everything before reinstalling, which may have also finally got rid of RAM info(?) concerning the paths and locations that my computer seemed to be hanging onto.
Not sure what caused it initially, but it seems to be working correctly now, or at least the files from extension warehouse.
Can you try the PluginStore again...
I'm wondering if theC:\Users\Eric's Graphics\...
quote is causing an issue with the Ruby/javascript that is used in the dialog when setting up the installation folder for the Plugins ?Although I thought that contingency was previously trapped for ?
Accented user-names caused issues pre-v2014, but I've never seen a ' in a user-name beforeAfter you retry installing something from the PluginStore.
Please restart SketchUp and see it it has installed as expected...
If you report that the PluginStore's AutoInstall etc is still not working then I'll have to investigate further...PS:
Having done further tests on mocked Plugins folder paths including a '... I confirm I do get partial installation errors - it installs OK, but then fails to load [error message] until a restart!
Investigating further...PPS:
I have found that glitch [typo!] and in a-soon-to-be-released update to the PluginStore your custom-plugins folder-paths containing ' will now properly install and load without error and no need to restart to effect the installation...%(#FF0040)[I have also discovered a weirdness with SketchUp v2014 generally...
My alternative "TIG's" user-name with a ' seems to prevent SketchUp loading any of its RB files from that user's Plugins folder. I can manually load them by using the whole file path and escaping the TIG's if the enclosing quotes are '... Then the PluginStore will work... I have reported this to the powers-that-be at Trimble...]*Please try typing this in the Ruby Console + <enter>:
I think you'll find that SketchUp has failed to insert your
folder into the list.
Presumably because of the ' in the user-name is tripping it up.
This means that although:Sketchup.find_support_file('Plugins')
returns the proper folder-path, when Sketchup tries to '
' the individual RB files in that folder it will fail, because it uses just thename.rb
and NOT the full file-path to it, and since the$:
doesn't include the folder-path part it just fails to load everything - Doh!* -
@tig said:
%(#FF0040)[I have also discovered a weirdness with SketchUp v2014 generally...
My alternative "TIG's" user-name with a ' seems to prevent SketchUp loading any of its RB files from that user's Plugins folder. I can manually load them by using the whole file path and escaping the TIG's if the enclosing quotes are '... Then the PluginStore will work... I have reported this to the powers-that-be at Trimble...]*Please try typing this in the Ruby Console + <enter>:
I think you'll find that SketchUp has failed to insert your
folder into the list.
Presumably because of the ' in the user-name is tripping it up.
This means that although:Sketchup.find_support_file('Plugins')
returns the proper folder-path, when Sketchup tries to '
' the individual RB files in that folder it will fail, because it uses just thename.rb
and NOT the full file-path to it, and since the$:
doesn't include the folder-path part it just fails to load everything - Doh!*This certainly makes sense as that is exactly the scenario that was happening.
But shouldn't my last SU installation and warehouse downloads not work correctly again? Or was this problem something caused by the Plugin Store file(s)?
Currently it seems to be working fine, but I haven't tried any downloads from the PluginStore as of yet. -
As far as I know it's nothing to do with the PluginStore.
SketchUp seems to choke of your apostrophe ' ?
I can get it to do it on my mock user too - TIG's
I have a thread in separate SketchUp forum discussing this.
Some MAC users report similar but slightly different ' issues...
I need more PC feedback...
We are making progress slowly... -
It has been a few days since I contacted SU about the problem, so it's possible that they made some adjustment within that time, but for whatever reason it was still necessary for me to get rid of those extraneous files (or to just reboot before re-installing) because whenever I tried to remove and reinstall the program it would still have the same issues.
Thanks to all.
Just wondering, if it would be possible to put in the Store, a small icon, that indicated the plugin is 2014 ready?
Will attack this problem next week.
Thanks to all.
Trimble have just confirmed to me by PM that it is an issue that was discovered in the last few days, and that will be fixed in the next MR of v2014.
If you have a single-quote'
in your Windows user-name it can [will?] screw up the plugins loading from your personal Plugins folder.
It will. Apologies to all the Irish out there.
@dave r said:
For example the Parametric Grid plugin is now called Grid Tool and was updated on the 10th of January.
Dave (or other SU guru) --
I had the sameΒ load errors with Parametric Grid, so searched the forum and found this thread, then went to the Extension Warehouse and dowloaded the updated Grid Tool.
Before installing it, I have deleted the old plugin. My question is whether the Parametric.rb helper script is used by any other extensions, or whether I can delete that too?
Doug, I expect you can delete it but I would test it first. Rename it from ".rb" to ".rb!" The change in extension will prevent it from loading. Then start SketchUp and see if you get any error messages in the ruby Console. If you have a plugin loading that requires and it isn't found, there should be an error.
Thanks for the quick reply Dave.
I'll test it as you suggest before deleting it.