[PLUGIN]MITSUBA Render Exporter v1.5.0(20141109)
""sophi skin""
windows-7, 64-bit, SU-7. -
Does anyone have any genderal advice on installing mitsuba? I am getting a report that a dll is missing and installation stops. Basically I can find no proper install documentation. Thanks.
did you try either/both of these window.exe downloads?http://www.mitsuba-renderer.org/download.htmlmaybe some machine specs would help us out, helping you...
I update this to v1.2.4. in 2014-03-21.
I finally understood this problem of running mtsimport.
I add code setting current directory in ruby.
So mtsimport will make "textures" in setter directory.
Thanks John.@mike amos said:
Thanks John, I feel like a right muppet not including specs, not as if I do not know, please put it down to a muppet day. I have tried the 64 bit program from that site/location.
Specs as in the attached image.
NVIDIA graphics card 1gb vram. This is updated as of about 1 week ago for drivers.
There is "vcredist_2013_x64.exe" in folder unzipped mitsuba render package.
It is microsoft visual studio 2014 x64 redisributable package"
Please install it.
Mitsuba will work.Thanks!
thank you...
next thought is, can we 'tag the view' before export, and if it is the 'same tag' after a materials tweak, skip the geometry re-creation? maybe an update button on the materials dialog?
jonh -
Thanks very much, its appreciated.
@driven said:
a bit to shinny, but getting there... I think
[attachment=0:7vyebg0v]<!-- ia0 -->bar_clamp_ext_vol.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:7vyebg0v]Hi
Cool Rendering image.TAK2HATA
Very nice ones!
Any ideas of the rendering time for one image? -
OK, got the plugin working, sort of . The ui I get when runinning mitsuba do0es not allow for changing mats/textures etc, is there a ui I am missing or is there a simple explanation I am missing? I get that I do not have the full picture and having found the readme file in the mitsuba directory am kicking myself for my earlier question ans the answer is there. What am I missing?
the materials editor is part of this plugin, load it through the SCF download tool and it open mitsuba after you use it.
Thanks, please excuse me again, I must be working on flat batteries and an old optic prescription. Slower, more notice............
I update this to V1.2.9 in 20140330.
Improves and bugfixes.
Thanks. -
Thanks Tak2hata, it's dream come true
can anyone else see if they can render one of Rich's models...
I'm getting this error message...john
@driven said:
can anyone else see if they can render one of Rich's models...
I'm getting this error message...[attachment=0:3lajmeue]<!-- ia0 -->2014-04-06 05.34.02 pm.png<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:3lajmeue]john
This script roundup the matrix values.
42 line of code in mitsuba_main.rb
Please Delete that line.
The error will not appear.
Now I still can not return to home.
So I can not edit this script for a month.
Please modify it yourself.