[Plugin] RichSection V0.5.8 UPDATED march 2015
For some reason I'm not getting the faces of the section. The section cuts, it adds the projection but no faces.
@pgarmyn said:
What did produce the crash? .... What is the output in the ruby console?
crash probably related to complex "projection"
this is ruby just after new restart of skp:
RS0.4.3|0.567|Logging to RubyPanel : true
RS0.4.3|0.005|Logging to File : false
RS0.4.3|0.001|PiGaRSection.userFileLocations MAC : /Users/tignaciuk/Library/Application Support/SketchUp 8/Sketchup/Materials
RS0.4.3|0.001|RSdefaultRSMats /Users/tignaciuk/Library/Application Support/SketchUp 8/Sketchup/Materials/RichSection-v0.3/#default.mat.skp : true
RS0.4.3|0.001|Start loading lang files : /Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/PiGa_RichSection/
RS0.4.3|0.001|proc loadlang :
RS0.4.3|0.001|loadlang EN : /Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/PiGa_RichSection/RichSectionLangEN.rb
RS0.4.3|0.001|loadlang file exists : true
RS0.4.3|0.003|Nesting:[] :
RS0.4.3|0.001|Nesting:[PiGa::RSection] :
RS0.4.3|0.001|language loaded : EN
RS0.4.3|0.002|Define context menu :
RS0.4.3|0.001|Define toolbar + menu :
RS0.4.3|0.003|rsMenu.add_item(:RS_menu) : #Sketchup::Menu:0x12402bb4
RS0.4.3|0.001|rsMenu.add_item(cmdCreate) : 50346
(eval):2837: warning: parenthesize argument(s) for future version
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2.rb:19: warning: already initialized constant PLUGIN_ID
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2.rb:20: warning: already initialized constant PLUGIN_NAME
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2.rb:21: warning: already initialized constant PLUGIN_VERSION
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/c_extension_manager.rb:16: warning: already initialized constant VERSION_PATTERN
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/sketchup.rb:21: warning: already initialized constant COLOR_GL_POLYGON
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/sketchup.rb:25: warning: already initialized constant COLOR_ALPHA
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/sketchup.rb:29: warning: already initialized constant RAYTEST_WYSIWYG
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/system.rb:16: warning: already initialized constant PLATFORM_IS_OSX
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/system.rb:19: warning: already initialized constant PLATFORM_IS_WINDOWS
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/system.rb:22: warning: already initialized constant TEMP_PATH
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/window.rb:23: warning: already initialized constant THEME_DEFAULT
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/window.rb:24: warning: already initialized constant THEME_GRAPHITE
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/window.rb:31: warning: already initialized constant EVENT_WINDOW_READY
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/window.rb:43: warning: already initialized constant EVENT_CALLBACK
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/window.rb:70: warning: already initialized constant EVENT_OPEN_URL
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:27: warning: already initialized constant BB_LEFT_FRONT_BOTTOM
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:28: warning: already initialized constant BB_RIGHT_FRONT_BOTTOM
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:29: warning: already initialized constant BB_LEFT_BACK_BOTTOM
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:30: warning: already initialized constant BB_RIGHT_BACK_BOTTOM
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:31: warning: already initialized constant BB_LEFT_FRONT_TOP
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:32: warning: already initialized constant BB_RIGHT_FRONT_TOP
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:33: warning: already initialized constant BB_LEFT_BACK_TOP
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:34: warning: already initialized constant BB_RIGHT_BACK_TOP
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:36: warning: already initialized constant BB_CENTER_FRONT_BOTTOM
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:37: warning: already initialized constant BB_CENTER_BACK_BOTTOM
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:38: warning: already initialized constant BB_CENTER_FRONT_TOP
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:39: warning: already initialized constant BB_CENTER_BACK_TOP
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:41: warning: already initialized constant BB_LEFT_CENTER_BOTTOM
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:42: warning: already initialized constant BB_LEFT_CENTER_TOP
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:43: warning: already initialized constant BB_RIGHT_CENTER_BOTTOM
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:44: warning: already initialized constant BB_RIGHT_CENTER_TOP
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:46: warning: already initialized constant BB_LEFT_FRONT_CENTER
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:47: warning: already initialized constant BB_RIGHT_FRONT_CENTER
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:48: warning: already initialized constant BB_LEFT_BACK_CENTER
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:49: warning: already initialized constant BB_RIGHT_BACK_CENTER
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:51: warning: already initialized constant BB_LEFT_CENTER_CENTER
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:52: warning: already initialized constant BB_RIGHT_CENTER_CENTER
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:53: warning: already initialized constant BB_CENTER_FRONT_CENTER
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:54: warning: already initialized constant BB_CENTER_BACK_CENTER
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:55: warning: already initialized constant BB_CENTER_CENTER_TOP
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:56: warning: already initialized constant BB_CENTER_CENTER_BOTTOM
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:58: warning: already initialized constant BB_CENTER_CENTER_CENTER
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:59: warning: already initialized constant BB_CENTER
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:64: warning: already initialized constant MB_ICONHAND
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:65: warning: already initialized constant MB_ICONSTOP
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:66: warning: already initialized constant MB_ICONERROR
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:67: warning: already initialized constant MB_ICONQUESTION
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:68: warning: already initialized constant MB_ICONEXCLAMATION
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:69: warning: already initialized constant MB_ICONWARNING
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:70: warning: already initialized constant MB_ICONASTERISK
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:71: warning: already initialized constant MB_ICONINFORMATION
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:72: warning: already initialized constant MB_ICON_NONE
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:74: warning: already initialized constant MB_DEFBUTTON1
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:75: warning: already initialized constant MB_DEFBUTTON2
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:76: warning: already initialized constant MB_DEFBUTTON3
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:77: warning: already initialized constant MB_DEFBUTTON4
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:82: warning: already initialized constant MESH_SHARP
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:83: warning: already initialized constant MESH_SOFT
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:84: warning: already initialized constant MESH_SMOOTH
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:85: warning: already initialized constant MESH_SOFT_SMOOTH
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:90: warning: already initialized constant POINT_OPEN_SQUARE
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:91: warning: already initialized constant POINT_FILLED_SQUARE
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:92: warning: already initialized constant POINT_CROSS
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:93: warning: already initialized constant POINT_X
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:94: warning: already initialized constant POINT_STAR
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:95: warning: already initialized constant POINT_OPEN_TRIANGLE
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:96: warning: already initialized constant POINT_FILLED_TRIANGLE
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:114: warning: already initialized constant VERSION
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:118: warning: already initialized constant PREF_KEY
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:121: warning: already initialized constant PATH
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:122: warning: already initialized constant PATH_LIBS
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/core.rb:125: warning: already initialized constant PATH_LIBS_CEXT
(eval):344: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):444: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):666: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):1221: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):1403: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):1627: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):2702: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):2703: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):2824: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):2845: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):935: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):936: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):939: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):943: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):1520: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):2496: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):2498: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):2531: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):2533: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):2973: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):2983: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):2994: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):3004: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):3102: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):3129: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):3138: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):3143: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):3220: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):3223: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):3226: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):3268: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):3269: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):3324: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):3325: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):3506: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):3506: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):3506: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):4556: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):4635: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):4997: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):5052: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):5096: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):5100: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):9026: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):9026: warning: parenthesize argument(s) for future version
(eval):191: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):291: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):758: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):906: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):692: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):699: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):719: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):739: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):746: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):766: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
(eval):786: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
key = Units
value = 0.0
" -
@krisidious said:
For some reason I'm not getting the faces of the section. The section cuts, it adds the projection but no faces.
(mac) same for me, it apears only after manual update
@krisidious said:
For some reason I'm not getting the faces of the section. The section cuts, it adds the projection but no faces.
For SU 8 and Mac, you need the last test version. It will become the next official version.
You can switch off logging in the settings.
Still problems? -
Yes, that's the version I'm on.
@krisidious said:
Yes, that's the version I'm on.
Can you send me the log file after ...
- In a NEW model.... (Not opening an existing model)
- create a closed box
- group it
- select the tool 'RichSection creation' ( the most left on the RichSection toolbox)
- create a section through the unique group (important : wait until the plugin has finished : see ruby console)
- copy and post the log file (when opening Sketchup, a panel tells you where the log file will be created )
actually that did produce a face with a material in the section.
is a "solid" required for sectioning?
here's the log file.
@krisidious said:
actually that did produce a face with a material in the section.
is a "solid" required for sectioning? ...
As explained in the first post :
Elements don't have to be solid, but only closed sections will generate section-materials.
( and solids alwys produce closed sections) -
This is what I get on a simple structure or complex for that matter.
HI Kristoff,
Can you post that model?
In your rs settings, section was off (the first item on the list). Also, some of the groups/components in your model were non solid.
From my experience, rs works better with solids. I use tt's solid inspector a lot. RS works well with nested solids, and even with multi mesh solids (something native su solid tools has problems with).
Things to avoid:
Ungrouped geometry.
Dividing lines on coplanar faces, except when they are used to separate different materials.Santiago
Thanks for the help Santiago, I did have "Yes" selected when I created the section. as for the solids and such no.
Hi Piet,
Some screenshots of the dialog boxes, win vs. mac. I´ve highlighted in red the clipped text. I tried shortening some of those lines, but the dialog would resize, and clip other text. It also happens in the english translation...
Hi Santiago
Good job
I will report this to the sketchup team and the community!
See : http://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=11%26amp;t=57642%26amp;p=524309#p524309
Thanks ! -
Hi Piet,
Three small things.
Can default settings be saved, at least per session? I´m creating several rs on a model, I´m changing some of the settings from the default (rs profile lines to yes, so I can snap to the rs in layout, and projections to off) I have to do this every time I create an rs. Seems simple, but if I forget, and leave projections on, it takes forever to create an rs.
It would be great to have esc abort the rs creation/update. Right now, the only way I´ve found is to either leave rs running, or force quit sketchup....
In the settings dialog, move RSName to the top... Right now it is not easily found, down at the bottom.
Hi Santiago
- about settings saved: i planned to propose the last used settings in creation, except name, section on/off and projection on/off, but i can limit the exception to the name...
- escape : very usefull (was planned), but more difficult : Have to rewrite a lot. Will have to find the time.
- name on the top : ok
Thanks for the suggestions
Hi Piet,
Do you have a new version available? The current demo version expired yesterday....
@caronte01 said:
Hi Piet,
Do you have a new version available? The current demo version expired yesterday....
Ok, it will be there in 2 or 3 hours