Elevation Heights
I'm trying to dimension heights of an elevation using Layout.
I am used to marking elevation heights by placing a little upside down triangle on the floor height with the height annotated. Is there anything like that in Layout?
I found the different scrapbooks within layout, but is there a way to just place the little marker (which ever I choose) and have it know what height it is without calculating it manually?Using the dimensions gives me... dimensions, but not quite heights... maybe I'm missing something here?
There isn't any way for LayOut to give you heights directly as it does for dimensions. If I remember correctly, TIG did a plugin that would insert them in SketchUp as leader text. You could use those or you could put them in the SketchUp view and replace them in LO with properly formatted shapes and text. You could put the leader text on their own layer in SU. Turn off that layer after you've finished with them in LO.