Tutorial: Realistic Environment Using HDR and/or Panoramas
I've been working on getting the best realistic environment for a while, and I am going to show what I believe is the best way.
Find your HDR and or Panoramic image.
Go into the Vray for Sketchup option menu, and select the "Environment" tab.
Enter the "GI" submenu
Change the texture from "TexSky" to "TexBitmap."
Scroll Down and select you HDR or Panoramic image. *NOTE: I've found that Panoramic HDR/PNG/JPG/etc. make the environment isn't being stretched. Also the larger the resolution the better!
Select the "UVW Type," and change the setting from "UVWGenChannel" to "UVWGenEnvironment."
Very Important Under the "UVWGenEnvironment" settings, change the "Repeat" value of both "Horizontal" and "Vertical" from 1.0 to 0.1.
Repeat steps 4-7 for the "BG" submenu, using the same image as well.
Now change the multiplier for the "GI" and "BG" to a number that works best for your scene. This number can vary depending on the type of scene, desired amount of light, and type of image used. I.e. if you want a environment that's isn't very bright, you may not need to edit the multiplier, but if you want it brighter, you can increase the multiplier. Most often than not, you'll want the "BG" multiplier to be set lower or equal to that of the "GI" multiplier. (NOTE: I would not recommend going for anything over 6, because then things get to bright and is a bit blinding on a bright screen.
My apologies, but that doesn't look very realistic to me at all. You shouldn't have the need to repeat an HDRI tiling. They are created to be used as a spherical environment set 1 to 1. The best way to achieve the most realistic results would be to have a photo taken at the same time of day and location as your render and place it in your background in post.
Here is a great site for getting background photos as well as textures. http://www.cgtextures.com/