Make face plugins
Hi. New to Sketch up. I am looking for a plugin to make faces on line drawings. So if I delete a line and the face disappears I can put it back. Also is there a plugin for making curved faces? Any links would be helpful. Thanks.
There are several 'make-face' tools around.
Search the forums, and of course the Plugins lists themselves...
There's even one in the 'utilities' extension's tool shipped with SketchUp...If by 'curved faces' you mean a 'curved surface' then you can hand-stitch triangular faces between pairs of edges, to form a surface [smooth it later] OR to make more complex surfaces between curves profiles/rails etc, then look at my Extrude tools, or Fredo's CurviLoft etc...
@unknownuser said:
for making curved faces?
and with thickness from a curvated surface Joint Push Pull by Fredo6 can help you!
That utility does not seem to work. I can not seem to find the MakeFace plugin by Todd.
Todd Burch's stuff is mainly on
My similar tool is at SCF [here!]