Time for a change for me...
Hello fellow SketchUp users/lovers/groupies/etc. I've come to a point in my life where it is time to move on. I have quit my job as a landscape architectural design associate in an attempt to move on to greener pastures. I'll be packing my bags and leaving California as well. I've just accepted a position with a company in Colorado that deals with Satellites, drones, GPS, and some 3d modeling software....
WOOOHOOOO!!!!!I just got hired by Trimble to join the SketchUp Development Team!!!!
It's been in the works for a little while now, but it is now official. I just had my first day today out here in Boulder. It has been so great!
I am very excited to be joining the Sketchup Development team. This is a product I have loved for a long time, now I get to help improve it on a more formal level.
Best of luck
You shocked me in the first lines. So this [SketchUp thingy] isn't about to end, but to flourish!
Congratulations! -
Congratulations and good on ya!
Enjoy yourself (and the mountains). -
Congrats! trading your surfboard for a mountain bike, eh? Best of luck with moving and getting adjusted.
California will be the poorer! (But so many people I know have been and left Davis. It is sort of a clearinghouse).
SketchUp will be the richer! Congrats!
Well, good luck to you, Chris. I hope this doesn't mean we will never hear from you from time to time in the future.
Congratulations, Chris! That's fantastic news for you and SketchUp.
@mitcorb said:
Well, good luck to you, Chris. I hope this doesn't mean we will never hear from you from time to time in the future.
And if you do not mind, I have "featured" you in our news channel!
http://sketchucation.com/all-news/348-chris-fullmer-to-trimble -
Excellent! Another person I can bother about bugs and issues! muhahaha!
(Btw, what's the status of your plugin-making career?)
That's great news Chris, I hope all the best for you and your family!
Now, if you could manage to convince the team to make Sketchup in 64 bit flavour, that would be splendid....
Congrats! to me this confirms that things are going the right way for sketchup
well done chris you deserve it!
Hope to see you in the Forums also in the future. -
Congratulations Chris
now put these guys in Boulder to work -
Awesome news...!
Congratulations, Chris...!
It's kind of funny... I've never had the opportunity to meet you in person, yet I feel I know you very well after all these years...
I wish you the best of luck in your future career at Trimble and I look forward to see you around here at the SCF...
Yaaay ! That's some news !!!
Congratulations ! It was about the time to have some folks in the goodies yard !!
I hope you will accommodate well and easy !
Take care !
Congratulations from me, too. This is some great news for all of us...