What will SketchUp Free and Pro look like in 2013?
and the reason you're not using modo instead of sketchup is?
I already said it -- the Maxwell plugin is better, but that may not currently be a as true as it once was (things may have improved with the Modo plugin since I last looked).
Modo is certainly one of my top 3 choices... however I have invested money and time into SketchUp and I want to be absolutely sure before I dump it.
Modo also does a bunch of things I don't place a high priority on: animation, subD and built in rendering are features I don't need (so why pay for them)... I think you may have misunderstood what I was saying in regards to those features.
Jason. -
@jason_maranto said:
I already said it -- the Maxwell plugin is better, but that may not currently be a as true as it once was (things may have improved with the Modo plugin since I last looked).
Modo is certainly one of my top 3 choices... however I have invested money and time into SketchUp and I want to be absolutely sure before I dump it.
Modo also does a bunch of things I don't place a high priority on: animation, subD and built in rendering are features I don't need (so why pay for them)... I think you may have misunderstood what I was saying in regards to those features.
Jason.dunno.. I learned rhino and it's what I mainly use for 'real' drawings now but I still use sketchup too.. I don't think it has to be either/or...
(but I will say this.. a couple of years ago I had a lot of wishes for sketchup.. (still do but...).. I had to decide wether to wait around for sketchup to do what I needed it to or invest in software that already does what I need (by invest, I mean invest time to learn.. rhino is still free on Mac
)... and now, I'm super glad I went with the latter..
re: unused features.. thats part of what you'll have to deal with... if you want a more powerful software package, odds are its going to be more powerful in many ways.. not just the ways that are tailored to your personal requirements..
(but hey, there are things in sketchup that I never ever use either.. I'm sure it's the same for you too) -
i guess what I'm saying is give up on sketchup.. quit wishing and hoping.. accept it for what it is and that's that..
we've been in this game long enough to know sketchup's future and accepting that will make life a bit easier on you..
but still feel free to gripe online about sketchup.. i do it too.. but more for conversation than any other motive..
@unknownuser said:
I had to decide wether to wait around for sketchup to do what I needed it to or invest in software that already does what I need (by invest, I mean invest time to learn... and now, I'm super glad I went with the latter..
My thoughts precisely! If you need something else, get it now. What's the point in waiting and wishing (and incidentally whining, but that's an opinion) That's why I went to Blender, even though it was more than a year in study to get to where it's actually useful to me professionally.
Sketchup is my Duct tape, it's great for many fixes, however sometimes I need a hammer, screwdriver or wrench, for that I use another app.
Jeff. You are using Rhino on Mac? I was just looking into that. I thought since it is Beta I was out of luck...so it's feasible then? What OS are you using?
Peter -
I'm not sure how it was implied that I don't use other 3D applications -- I have 5 other 3D applications I use regularly already. I'm all about simplification, I want to reduce the overall amount of applications I need to use to keep my life simpler.
Things have gone through a very large change with the move from Google to Trimble -- I don't think it will be as superficial as many of you believe... what I am doing is fighting for my wants/needs to be given attention.
The squeaky wheel gets the grease as they say -- and I am going to squeak as loud and as often as I can until I see SketchUp 2013. At that point I will consider the fat lady to have sung and I will move on if need be. To be honest I was going to leave months ago, but it was requested I stay -- so I have adopted a "wait and see" attitude rather than just giving up.
I remember the crap hit the fan when version 8 was released. SketchUp 2013 backlash will be even worse if they don't get on the ball... I'm hoping Trimble is listening (and will apply pressure) because I've more or less given up on John.
Jason. -
Jason, We certainly hope you "stay" here regardless. We can use the help! Peter
@jason_maranto said:
so I have adopted a wait and see attitude rather than just giving up.
Set your expectations as low as possible, and they will be surpassed
I guess I don't see SU fundamentally changing any time soon, so I use it as appropriate in my workflow, and for the rest I go elsewhere. I guess I'm a bit taken aback by your level of frustration. On the one hand, I do agree it seems like you've been harping on the same issues for years, and with no visible effect. However, you've gone well beyond squeaky wheel in many posts...
@pbacot said:
Jeff. You are using Rhino on Mac? I was just looking into that. I thought since it is Beta I was out of luck...so it's feasible then? What OS are you using?lion.. it's in beta still and probably will be for a while but it's free to use and give feedback on now..
some things aren't hooked up yet and in certain professional environments, I could see them being deal breakers for now.. (no printing / output other than exporting to another software.. (you can render using toucan but I still prefer going SU->Indigo for that.. there's a lot of UI stuff that still needs polishing etc but the fact that the windows versions does everything has me confident that macs will do it as well eventually..
but all the tools are hooked up and it's stable..
for me, as a designer/builder, the lack of printing/layout/construction docs doesn't bother me.. the model and my jobsite computer are all I need anyway..
I'd highly recommend checking it out
@jason_maranto said:
I'm not sure how it was implied that I don't use other 3D applications -- I have 5 other 3D applications I use regularly already. I'm all about simplification, I want to reduce the overall amount of applications I need to use to keep my life simpler.
oh.. ok then.. at least you have other ways to accomplish things you can't do in SU so that's good..
carry on then with the rants
(I just feel they fall on deaf ears)
@andybot said:
I guess I'm a bit taken aback by your level of frustration. On the one hand, I do agree it seems like you've been harping on the same issues for years, and with no visible effect. However, you've gone well beyond squeaky wheel in many posts...
I'm sure, as a matter of fact I've even pointed out I'm aware of how this is coming across in previous posts -- and I do feel regretful of that.
But here's what I know: they do read this stuff. In the past I've tried to be more diplomatic and genial in my requests and that got me nowhere... with the amount of apathetic and apologetic themes posted in these threads I feel my voice of dissatisfied dissension must be even louder to make sure it rises above the din (so to speak). They can disagree with me but hopefully they will find me impossible to ignore (or shut up).
There is a small glimmer of hope for real change here and now -- things are not the same as they were and now is the time to speak up... strike while the iron is hot and all that.
I may seem hostile, but in actuality there is an underlying hopefulness that is pervasive in my posts... otherwise I would not post at all.
Jason. -
Something that I can see happening is an extension of the idea that pro might be developed a lot further and free basically left as is with only a few changes. The potential development if they were to go for a 64 bit version would be for that to be the pro version with free left as a 32 bit app. It would enable a few more levels in there with different pricing and as long as something usable comes in at a reasonable price it might be a fair trade. It does depend on the cost benefit ratio.
I have just read the whole thread and I must say that I agree with Jason.
I think many people here are much too gentle for the developpers. I think it is important not to forget that most of us here invested a lot of time and money into Sketchup, so we are in our right to ask for change/ improvements. (Or at least we are in our right to know what their vision for the future is.) Especialy when almost no changes and improvements have been made in the last few years. I can't help but wonder what they are actualy doing in those offices. The changes that have been made in Sketchup 8 were a joke. I think it's hard to disagree with this.
Even if you use Sketchup solely for architecture, which is what I do, it starts to become a lazy program compared to the competition. If you want to place even a small amount of realistic and nice looking vegetation in your model, you have a big problem. There are work-arounds with other programs, but they are very clumsy and time-wasting. Also, if you want to model/ compose a proper good looking interior, you have problems because of the more complex/ organic geometry. I think UV mapping/ unwrapping is another thing that is just so clumsy in Sketchup. Why would we have to go to another program just to do this?
One of the arguments that I see repeated here a lot is the argument of the different tool-sets (use another program for every different step in the process of making something). I completely do not understand this argument. What in the world is wrong with dreaming about a program which is not only very fast for modelling, but which is also versatile enough to do a lot of other things like making complexer organic things, adding real vegetation, UV mapping and so on. Switching programs all the time comes at a high cost in time and money. In the last few versions of Sketchup almost nothing was added. Why are some people so afraid to ask for something? Performance for example is such a big problem. I think it is time for us and the developpers to get a bit more ambitious and to think bigger.
Hi pieterv,
I have already expressed my disappointment with SketchUp devvelopment over the past few years so won't go over it again.
I have read your post with interest and understand your concerns. What caught my eye was that you woud appear to be using the Free version of SketchUp, nothing wrong with this and of course you are totally entitled to voice your opinion / suggestions / requirements.
You however mention that ' ......... Switching to another program requires (again) a lot time and money. (at least for me it is)'. What I find confusing is that the Free version cost you nothing financially, of couse 'time is money'.
Out of curiosity would you consider upgrading to a much improved SketchUp Pro 2013 and parting with cash or do you expect the SU 2013 Free version to have much of what the Pro version will have?
Hello Mike,
I'm sorry, I have the Pro version now, but I haven't changed it in my profile settings. I have changed it now.
But either way, as you say: time is also money. If I spend weeks and weeks learning a certain program, this is time I can not spend on something else, like actualy designing something.
Even if it is not something commercial what I am doing, but something more like a personal art project, I am investing my time in it.
Kind regards,
Ah yea, what you say as now as a Pro users holds more weight