Exporting CAD files to Sketchup for modelling
Hi Guys,
I have found an easier ways to trace my cad files in sketchup before before extruding them for my drawing.Maybe some of you may know it but I thought Is worth sharing anyway.Other videos tutorials on YouTube and other blogs tell u to import the Cad file to sketchup,move all the layers to the "O" layer ,create a new layer call CAD,create two scenes 1.CADON,2.CADOFF ,block the imported CAD files and start tracing.Depending on the size of your plan u could spend 30 minutes to an hour tracing.It works pretty well but there is a quicker way to trace the drawing.
Here is what to do.
First in In Autocad put off the Dimensions of the plan and any other blocks like beds ,furniture etc and save the file with a new name to keep the original file.
1.Now import the new file into sketchup.
2.Bring the drawing closer to the origin of sketchup.
3.Toggle the view of sketchup to "Top" on the views Tab.
4.Using the pencil or rectangle and starting from the origin create a face bigger then your plan.
5.Move your plan and superimpose it on the rectangular face created,select the plan and the face and run the "Intersect with model" from your right click menu.
6.When the intersection is done use,Use Outliner to select your cad file and move it away from the face.
7.Voila! Your floor plan would have been fully traced onto the face ready for extruding -
Cool classical trick !
That is a good trick. I find that is often useful to have the CAD layers intact, in addition to having the CAD group on a layer that can be turned on/off.