Cannot Access Materials Menu
I am having a problem with Pro 8.0.15158. After installing it, I cannot access the Materials Menu from "Window." Within Window, Materials is checked but does not appear on the screen. I've made sure that it is not hidden behind another window. Other menus, such as "Components" appear and work as expected. Any help will be appreciated.
Assuming that it's not an issue with the install [and you don't divulge your OS/version!] perhaps you have had two monitors connected and/or changed your screen resolution ?
Leaving the dialog 'off-screen' now...If you have PC/Windows try this...
Close SketchUp and then use Run > Regedit
Find this entry
Change the X and Y values to some small numbers - to move the dialog's window back to near the top left corner of the screen...
Close Regedit.
See if that helps when you reopen SketchUp and then the Material Browser -
Thanks for the help. Your suggestion corrected the problem immediately.