Group from Slice questions
Hello everyone. I have some problems with the "Group from Slice" option in the Section dialog box.
I have imported a portion of a very large Acad file, which upon importing, becomes a Component. The original Acad file is a very complex 3d of a Recording studio, which when I tried to import, was so large I had to break it down into separate files of different rooms.
I am tasked with producing 2d Acad details from this file, but as it is a 3d file, for me, it is much simpler to see everything in Sketchup. Hence importing it to Sketchup. What I am trying to do, is make various Section planes, and then"Group from Slices" from these sections, and then create a series of Scenes for easy view selections. After I have separated these "groups" I can then zoom in and edit them into details. Which, from what I read here:
,might possibly be re-imported to Acad. But later on that.
However, my first attempt at making one of these Group from Slice seems to either attach itself to the "component" or something, as after I make the Group, I "hid" the component so I could see the group from slice, ...but it wasn't there. I did do some research on this tool, and read that you can move these slices off to the side, which suggests they are a separate entity. No such luck as I can't see them. I tried "editing" the component to see if I could find the Group, but since they are lines along planes...well I've had no luck. I'm sure this is very simple, but I must be missing something.
I did use the "Cut Face" tool too. But this creates something entirely different. I just need the outlines of the object "slice", in group form. Hence my attempt.Second thing is re-importing these edited "groups" back into Acad. In that link above, there was this statement:
@unknownuser said:
Can you export(Group from slice?) layout in dxf/dwg?
Yes you can and in either model or paper space. What I do for my consultants and my
floor plans is create a group from slice in the section tool. This accurately isolates simply line work of a plan or section. Then export that group only as a dwg file. They then have a simple background without all the crap that they usually have to erase. So far my structural engineers and surveyors have commented on how my drawings are the easiest to deal with. Pretty funny considering I don't even open ACAD to provide them.Well that is a little confusing to me. The question suggests they are talking about Sketchup "Layout", but then the answer suggests : 1. They are talking about Acad, as he mentions Model and Paperspace..or 2. he is referring to Sketchup as he says "create a "group from slice", which to me refers to Sketchup. I'm not that familiar yet with Acad2013, but I haven't seen a "group from slice" in Acad..but who knows?
All I know is I'd "like" to somehow either import or insert these edited "group from slices" files back into Acad. I know this is probably confusing, but if anyone could help me with this I would be so grateful. So workarounds are taking forever...and I'm really running out of time. Thank you for reading my verbose explanation too. Hahaha
- least about the Group from Slice question. I found the answer. DUH!! I still had the "Section" tool engaged. I guess the Section Plane hides the Group. Well, live and learn. Sorry if you had to read all that.
But I'm still curious how I can re-import these edited groups back into Acad.
Thanks guys.
fitZ -
Copy and paste your slices into a new SketchUp drawing and export the DXF/DWG from there?
Hello again Dave! Thanks for answering. Yea, I'm importing the "Group Slices"(GS?) into a new skp. as I type.
But first, I make a component of all the groups I need(3 different axis's), do a "save as" and..VOILA! Too frigin cool! Works absolutely wonderful. This makes my job so easy now I could...well .. Man, Sketchup to the rescue...AGAIN. The more I work with it...the more I love it.
Ok, in regards to exporting..hmmm, I didn't know Sketchup would directly export as .dwg/.dxf extensions. I thought it put them in some other format that "prepares" them for some other program, that you need to do the rest of the conversion. However..if Sketchup WILL do this...OMG..I'd be in 7th heaven.
That's why I was confused about the statements in that link. It sounded like you have to use Sketchup LAYOUT, to do the conversion thing. No matter..I really need to figure this out so I'm going to try everything at my disposal until I get it. (...says the man from the Parallel Universe of "Don't get it")...hahahahaha
Thanks for the suggestion Dave.
fitZ -
@unknownuser said:
.hmmm, I didn't know Sketchup would directly export as .dwg/.dxf extensions.
Well dust my britches.. I do now!! I had failed to follow my Dad's main axiom whey you have a problem like this(or most other stuff too). He always said.."You have to LOOK..LOOK ..oh..did I mention...LOOK?"
Well that's exactly what I did...BINGO! DUH!! When I selected "EXPORT/3D...the file type was default(skp. I think). All of a dawned on me... .dwg...DUMB!! There it was. OMG. Ok guys, problem solved. Sorry if you had to read all this crap. Well, at least I found it..and that's what matters. And man am I a happy camper now.