There are half a dozen or more in the warehouse, but it still is interesting. I started with a few drawings and a lot of movie shots. Had to decide between a lot of variants, so this is its own variant. Also going really internally detailed so I might be able to set up a scene in a hangar with a few in varying states of dis-assembly.
Do you know this one ?
(Bi language) -
@unknownuser said:
Do you know this one ?
(Bi language)I know a simpler one based on the crane-base.
Looking good.
Looking good so far
Detailed work is looking smooth! You use SS/Artisan?
Thanks for the encouragement! No artisan as of yet, I did buy the tool but the shield generator is actually just using follow-me, though it was a beast to clean up. Since then I have found that if you make the path that the follow-me needs to traverse one polyline then it gets around smoothly and hardly needs any clean-up which would have saved at least 30 minutes with the shield generator.
A bit of down time and travel, but here is the detailed front area. From left to right are the sensors and jammers, the gyro for maneuvering (Destin from smarter every day on youtube inspired that idea.), and the computer bank. The computers still need to be populated and the support structure, cooling, power and data lines need to be designed. On a twelve meter ship I am getting down into millimeter detail sometimes, this is probably why larger projects don't get very far. Practice makes perfect, right?
@ghalko said:
Here is a shield generator with waveguides out to the projectors. I am getting detailed....
Building shield generators ain't like dustin' crops, boy!
looks good.
What level of detail are you planning to go with?
Looking good, I like models with lots of detail.
Can you post some larger detail photos?
I am planning on going to a level of detail I am familiar with in a large complex system. I work at a telescope so just the ideas of separate but interworking large systems seems reasonable. And I am all too familiar with single board computers in crates and such. Probably not as detailed as that tank someone did a little while ago.hellnbak,
Here are a small picture and a slightly larger one. These are just using the free maxwell render as I work. I will probably go for a better renderer for the final product and those will be big...no huge, so just hang in there. -
@ghalko said:
Arrrggghhh! Why won't it make a face!!! Stupid, no good piece of... Oh look! The line went to the wrong point. Whew... moving on. (My fights with sketchup.)
Some more detail, the reactor is based on a non sustained reaction idea and being a little over a meter across would put the Skunkworks to shame with their "tiny" trailer-sized reactor they are working on, if it worked.
Two neutrons are raced around the track and then collide as femto-second laser pulses hit the same spot. The inner layer collects the waves of energy. The second is magnetic shielding and the third is secondary heat shielding if the first layer fails.
This is only half of the reactor. Lots of components used and manipulated.