Doubt: How to distribute elements
Hello again.
How can I to distribute with equal spaces between these elements? Without drawing lines,... etc. Like in Illustrator.
Exists any free plugin for this?
You can use temporary guide-lines offset at the desired spacing, and snap to those...
With the native tools you can make a linear array of copies.
The Help files do just that... 'Help'...The make copies a set distance apart use Move+Ctrl and move the preselected object[s] in the general direction desired; lock the movement to an Axis by using the arrow keys or holding Shift; then either snap to some other geometry or a guide-line, OR type in the distance you desire + <enter>; the copy is made where specified; NOW before doing anything else type in the number of copies required followed by an x or a * [e.g. 5x] + <enter> [typing x5 or *5 also works], multiple copies are added after the first one: NOTE, if you want to make copies to fill in a certain distance then make the first copy at the full extent; then immediately type a / followed by the number of copies [e.g. /5] + <enter>, this time the copies are spaced evenly within the overall distance specified by the first copy's location...
Read the Help it even has picturesBefore you think to ask it also works with Rotate+Ctrl to make radial array-copies...
XD Oks, thanks
Now I have make copies between distanceA - distanceB with /x, and I have make 360ยบ radial copies.
Thanks so much.