Looking for Quality Hardwood Floors
Can anyone point me to some nice quality hardwood floors please. I searched through many texture sites but mostly run into old looking wooden planks or the planks are too short for the look I'm going for. I see in many renders floors that have long planks giving the floors a cleaner look. Thanks in advance.
Did you look here: http://www.arroway-textures.com/en/products/bundle/contents ?
You can create great looking wood floor textures yourself with the free: "Floor Texture Generator" by Martin Chudomel.
Max texture size is 2000x2000 pixels.
Output is not tiling so you'll have to fix that in Photoshop. -
Thanks for the links. Very helpful.
@cotty said:
Did you look here: http://www.arroway-textures.com/en/products/bundle/contents ?
Thank you, I need this too
@rons said:
any chance to get it as one archive (especially Exterior floorings)?
There are a lot of free materials here (especially if you are using V-ray).
As said, "Materials are made in V-ray, but you can use these textures in your favorite render engine as well. (Maxwell, Fry render, Arion, Brazil, or anything else…)