Super Drape Crash
I have a relatively simple group to drape with Super Drape and it crashes every time. I've tried it on Vista and Windows 7. Does anybody have any idea what could be causing it? The file is attached. When I use the regular drape tool it is fine. I know there was an issue with Sketchup 7 but I'm using version 8.
Ideally you should ask this on the plugin thread itself so you guarantee getting TIG's attention.
But I tested here on SU8M3 and it also splatted.
I get the crash too.
There's something adrift with the ground mesh that the tool doesn't like - unfortunately a bugsplat exits with no useful error messages...However, if you use an erase coplanar edges tool of the ground mesh it erases some edges and leaves holes.
The erase coplanar edges tools typically check for an edge's two faces normals being equal [enough] and then erase them if the materials are the same etc. Clearly you have some faces that are not quite coplanar about the edge but so slightly so there normals are considered equal. When the shared edge is erased instead of the faces merging into one they disappear as the edge is needed.
Also if you select the meshes edges and run a tool to add faces to the edges faces get added to some edges that already have faces and these new faces are not coplanar with the ones below - these existing faces have a twist on them - which should be impossible - the edges forming the face are not quite coplanar.
Somehow you've got a mesh with several faces that shouldn't exist because they do not have coplanar edges
I suspect that this is somehow tripping up SuperDrape, but the inaccessible code in the compiled Drape differs and isn't upset by it
Thanks for the reply. The mesh was created by a company providing a 3d model of a site and context (similar to Zmap). I presume they don't use Sketchup to create it! I just used regular Drape in the end and painted each triangle individually. Thanks for looking anyway. Super Drape and regular drape do seem to be prone to crashing. I've sent a few models in the past to Google where the problem was apparent but they don't seem to have fixed it.