Vray shadows
Hi guys,
Im having this trooble in my render (see the image),
My shadows are too soft. i change the turbidity cause the image was too blue, i use a map on BG, using the GI with sun, and textsky on the maps. tried to decrease the sun size to 0.7...but nothing seems to work to put my shadows more difine and get more intensity.
Where is your North location? If you turn on your shadows in SU where are they projecting from? I think most illustrators would agree that they cheat a little by moving the North location in order to get your sun behind your camera and projecting on to the building. You view looks like you are not getting any direct sunlight. I would not decrease the sun size, if anything you increase the size to something like 3.0 in order to get some blurred shadows.
I usually like to use a combo of Vray sun and an HDRI, look on these forums on how to set this up, its been discussed a lot here. Use the same HDRI as your background. You will need to make sure the HDRI sun and the sun location in your model match up or it looks off. This is the best way to setup exterior lighting in my opinion.
It looks like your lighting is from an HDRI only (If you have the sky in the background slot only - it will not illuminate your scene. There is an option in your global setting for default lights - check that box on to get your sun.)
Currently vray for SU doesn't work very well in using HDRI for illumination. As valerostudio said - use a combination of HDRI and vray sun for getting your shadows back.
thanks... the problem was that i didnt enable the default lights in global switches...
Now im trying to fix another problem that is the image is too bluish, using the white balance in physical camera the sky turn to white. Next im going to try the turbidity. Is there anything that we can do to change de color of the objects but not the hdri of the sky.
Thanks again
if you render with HDR on GI and BG, take a look at this VIDEO. It will help you for your shadows parameters...