Materials can't be removed
I have a problem that's driving me absolutely nuts.
Every model I open has these four materials
I've used the purge ruby and they are deleted. I've also opened model info and used the purge button there and they likewise go away.
When I reopen sketchup, they're back.
I've tried purging then saving as template, without the materials present in model and when i save and reopen sketchup they're back again.
Can anyone assist me in how to remove these annoying materials.
I suspect the source of these materials was one model I downloaded from 3dwarehouse.
I tried reinstalling sketchup and it got removed. However when I open one of the models i'm working on, they're back in their immortal state.
I can't re-do the models i'm working on since they're already too complex and I need them for work. I need a solution that purges these materials permanently from any model i'm already working on.
I think they come with the ivy generator plugin. You can try to remove it and see what happens.
They were part of the ivy plugin!!!
Thanks so much massimo!!
I guess I'll have to keep the Ivy plugin out until i use it next.
I think i lost some braincells trying to remove those materials!!!