[Solved] looking for old thread early drafting program video
Does anyone remember a thread that linked to a youtube video of a very early (like from the 60s or 70s maybe?) parametric drafting program? I've looked through many pages of topics in the Corner Bar where I figured it would be, and done searches on the entire forum and YouTube and can't find any reference to it, but I know it's here somewhere.
ha.. yeah.. i know exactly what you're talking about.. but i can't remember any keywords or subject titles in order to search.
i'm thinking someone will find it though
Bob -
Here is the thread.
http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?f=179&t=21412&start=0 -
That's it. Thanks guys!
As Cmdr Lovell [aka Tom Hanks] says in 'Apollo 13', when he's interviewed before the mission and he's asked what he foresees in the future: "I see a computer that will fit in a single room...".
There's also the bit when they have to calculate their emergency reentry angles etc using a pencil and paper and slide-rules... Then the guys at mission-control recheck the answers the same way calling check, check, check etc... Their 70's on-board computer was less than an 80's pocket-calculator and way below a modern cell-phone, let alone any modern computer..