Fixed rate of zoom
SU seems to perform some sort of calculation each time I attempt to zoom, based on what is currently in line with the mouse pointer, such that when I point at a model solid or face, the zoom is quite appropriate and rapid. However, when I have the mouse pointer pointing ever so slightly to the side of a model solid or face, i.e. into SU's version of infinity, the zoom is so slow as to be nearly imperceptible. Is there a setting (or keyboard shortcut) that causes SU to zoom at a fixed rate, i.e. for every 1" of movement of my two fingers on my trackpad, SU will "rotate the camera lens" a fixed amount?
No there isn't a setting as you describe. This is normal Sketchup behaviour therefore the trick is always to point at a face or line in order to zoom quickly. It can be frustrating sometimes however I usually use zoom extents if I get 'lost in space' to quickly get something solid to point at.
You would find it much easier to use SketchUp if you drop to the track pad and start using a standard 3-button mouse with scroll wheel. You'll use the wheel for zoom and have much better control over it.
@dave r said:
You would find it much easier to use SketchUp if you drop to the track pad and start using a standard 3-button mouse with scroll wheel. You'll use the wheel for zoom and have much better control over it.
i use my trackpad with sketchup a lot.. as in, i'll do entire drawings with no mouse
dunno, it's ok now and will only get better in the future..a n y w a y s…….
you can use the ZOOm tool for fixed rate of zoom..
it's *cmmd- * or via the menus, Camera -> Zoom (though it will only zoom to the center of the window instead of where your pointer is)
likewise, you can adjust your tracking speed (globally) via System Preferences -> Trackpad -> Point & Click -> Tracking speed..
but all that aside, sketchup is more or less content aware when it comes to zooming/navigating.. so you're better off becoming familiar with it as that's the way it is.. i think if you did a survey, you'd find very few complaints amongst the more seasoned users regarding navigation in sketchup.. it's pretty darn good.