Exr's and vfb?
Hi guys
Learning lots at the moment and the ole render to exr image is a life safer meaning my computer can handle complex scenes without crashing, but so far when i render to exr the vfb channels are lost, is there a way to bring these back, or would I have to render them normally then enlarge via photoshop to match the exr?
unfortunately, exr only saves diffuse and alpha channels. For additional channels, you would have to render to vrimage and convert to individual exr files.
@andybot said:
unfortunately, exr only saves diffuse and alpha channels. For additional channels, you would have to render to vrimage and convert to individual exr files.
Hi andybot
and thanks, its not that I want exr, its just that exr you can get in huge sizes without crashing the machine, now that I'm becoming more adept with vray, I figure export the RGB as .exr at large format, then export vfb channels normally turning off the the RGB values and possibly turning the quality down to achieve the right size, still I havent tested it..
I have never had luck getting my channels from VRIMG. I think that converter is ancient and not working properly with the current version. I may be wrong though. Can someone confirm?
That one is an updated one, and I have been able to use it. (There's also a batch converter , but you have to change the vfb channel names in the file for it to work right since it's for the old one.)
Is that Material Studio an update as well?
@valerostudio said:
Is that Material Studio an update as well?
Not sure, I never tried it. I know it's not current for vfr - there was a recent post asking about it. I don't know how many versions back the material studio is.
They ought to update it. It really is a rather nice tool.
I've threatened to update it a few times now. It does have some use, but in the end it's just the material editor with a larger preview. If there was an online repository that could have materials submitted to it like the google warehouse, then it would have more of a purpose. Given it's current level of functionality though, it falls fairly low on the list of priorities. I believe it was made before 1.05.29 was released, so it definitely needs some love soon if it's going to continue to survive. The vrimage tool was updated after the latest VfS release, so it should work fine with VfS generated vrimages.