Ruby Script to produce Holes Through All Internal Features W
Is there a way to drill a hole completely through all internal walls, voids, holes, surfaces without having to resort to individual Intersection "patches" to penetrate every single SURFACE along the way?
EXAMPLE: From the King's Tomb, deep inside his pyramid, construct a hole upwards and outwards at an unimpeded angle so that the light from "HIS PERSONAL STAR" would shine directly into his Burial Chamber on the date of his birth?
A continuous hole, through EVERYTHING - walls, passageways, chambers and other interior structures - in One Extrusion without countless, individual Intersect With Model interventions?
hole on solid, but you need solids.
Indeed. Solid Tools would be the way to go, my friend.
Welcome to SCF, too.
Solid tools may be preferable. However, by way of clarification Hole On Solid functions in both Version 7 and Version 8, as Tak2hata adjusted the code. The tool will work on any grouped and closed volume. Feel free to show different.