Current plugins
brand new.trying to post...want the current version of curviloft.seen many going back 2 there a rule of thumb for finding the one thats "now"?i guess this would apply to all plgns..1st post ever anywhere,stupid question vs. 'there are no stupid questions'..
@flashglove said:
is there a rule of thumb for finding the one thats "now"?i guess this would apply to all plgns..1st post ever anywhere,stupid question vs. 'there are no stupid questions'..
majority of plugins are in the first post.
When one updates a plugin, they usually update the "last update time" in the subject field, too.
Also, most plugin authors keep a "Change log" in that particular post in the topic.
Certainly there are no strict rules on this but most of them follow them anyway. Sure a dedicated Plugin index with all the necessary info would be nice.