LumenRT Microsoft C++ Visual Runtime Error - PLEASE HELP!!!
i presume have you tried all this logged on as administrator..
Yes I have tried running sketch up as administrator and my user account is administrator anyway. That is what the guy from e-on software initially suggested so I tried it delighted that I thought the problem was that simple but sadly that made no difference
without eon support, the only thing i can think of is a fresh win 7 install (.net + vb++ runtimes)..
very drastic and without promise, but because i have a clean install backed up with macrium free, it takes about 15 mins.
it has happened that things worked that way.. -
Thanks for the advice perhaps that will be the only solution. Before I do that however, I do have a friend who has a similarly spec'd PC. I may try and install LumenRT on his and load up my model and attempt to export and see if his does the same. If it does not then it looks like a fresh Win 7 is on the cards
I have PMed you, downloaded your model and it hangs up on my machine also. There is something in the model that is hanging up LumenRT. The model is also very large, over 100 megs, sketchup gets buggy over 100 megs so you might remove something to reduce the space.
Hi ?
Any cure about this problem? I just bought lumen RT2 , and I got the same problem. I did all that could be done. I send the file to e-on guys , and they can open it.
I don't understand why...
And same for me , the model is more than 100 megs...
Don't understand the problem....
Yeah uh ?
I don't know what to do ... totally lost lol
The problem is caused by the way Ruby handles memory in SketchUp (the problem is Windows only). Ruby runs in a 32 bit process, even if SketchUp itself is running in 64 bit, and if too much memory is allocated inside the Ruby script, Ruby crashes. It's totally unpredictable, and a known issue, apparently
We are circumventing this problem in LumenRT 3 by creating a new (slower) export mode that does not allocate any memory inside of Ruby.
In the mean time, try reducing the size of your scene as much as you can.
Hi ,
first , thanx to have taken the time to answer
I appreciate, really.
Next , I found the solution. I had a doubt seeing all the processes on my computer. And knowing my scene, that was not a poly number problem.
I remembered a thread were it was talking about the maximum size of the texture.
And that was the problem. I used 12000²px texture sized. Sketchup itself could'nt have threat such an info.I resized the texture , and it worked.
So that was a texture size error. Working normally on big softawre like 3DS MAX , etc , I use to make big sized textures. So that was my fault.
Thanx a lot anyway for the anwser. And really good job for your software. Some lights artefacts problems persist, but globally it's a good job