A new home for SketchUp
@thomthom said:
Pretty sure it will be in Norway this year. [Citation Needed]
Looks like a great place to meet
..... or Vegas on 5th - 7th Nov ? http://www.trimbledimensions.com/
I think I could be persuaded to attend it
I have been to Reno but never Vegas ..... so far! Looks like a fun place. Could be good for the SketchUp Team as they probably would not have to do a whole load of organising
@dan rathbun said:
OMG... never saw a Euro before.. that's obscene!Couldn't they have added a bit more detail ??
Probably pointless now as its 50 / 50 to whether or not it will be around for too much longer
Also that's Scandinavia with**out** Norway (as they are not in the EU)
@gaieus said:
Also that's Scandinavia with**out** Norway (as they are not in the EU)
Had to go spoil a good joke
Ah well, next time, Rich. Still had a good laugh.
@gaieus said:
Also that's Scandinavia with**out** Norway (as they are not in the EU)
Yea, we're not in the EU - now see how y'all look!
It will be a good thing for London that a Base Camp wont be a happinin' during the Olympics as tickets sales would worsen even more than they are presently.
Ran across a very interesting article, "Here's Why Google Got Rid of Sketchup". It's not a huge surprise to most of us but the technology illustrated looks incredible.
Yeah, I was wondering how Athens, Greece got so detailed in such a short time in Google Earth. I was thinking who in the world was doing this? I remember even Tokyo was populated with 3d bldgs. a couple of years ago. They'd better hurry up in my locale, I am modeling my downtown in my spare time.
@unknownuser said:
Yeah, I was wondering how Athens, Greece got so detailed in such a short time in Google Earth
I don't think they did it this way.
@mitcorb said:
Yeah, I was wondering how Athens, Greece got so detailed in such a short time in Google Earth. I was thinking who in the world was doing this? I remember even Tokyo was populated with 3d bldgs. a couple of years ago. They'd better hurry up in my locale, I am modeling my downtown in my spare time.
Most of the building in Athens will be created by people using Building Maker. There rest will be models made in SU.
Athens will probably be one of the areas that they will use this process on. When that happens all the BM and SU models will be replaced.
Unless your downtown is part of a major area, it's likely that it'll be years before they do this with your town, if ever.
They haven't introduced this yet. They only announced it last week, so they could beat Apple to the punch because Apple is replacing Google for their maps in their next OS release.
Well, this is getting off topic, but if you look at Athens in GE right now, you will see 3d buildings with photo textures already, unless they removed it? But I understand that your comment is for possibly a different technology.
@krisidious said:
that being said, some of our founding members are not around anymore for this reason or that... and that makes me sad.
Oh c'mon Kris, you know I'm still around.
I'm just in hiding now.
50 pages of major catching up. How this happened without me noticing, geez, slaps himself in the face
Heres what I think will happen. Sketchup 9 will be called "Sketchup 2013" then Trimble will be releasing new versions every year just like Autodesk. Provided they keep adding useful stuff and NOT crank up the price we will buy it. Hopefully the great guys and Gals that have provided us with wonderful pluggins will actually get to make some decent money out of this by having their plugins bought by Trimble.
Trimble would be mad to do away with the free version because it lets kids get in on the software and once you are hooked your are in.
Ditching the "google" out of the name will actually enhance the credibility of the software with the snobby Autodesk gang.
@kingsi said:
Ditching the "google" out of the name will actually enhance the credibility of the software with the snobby Autodesk gang.
LOL, you mean there might be a "SketchUp" sub-forum over at CGTalk?
@kingsi said:
Heres what I think will happen. Sketchup 9 will be called "Sketchup 2013" then Trimble will be releasing new versions every year just like Autodesk.
Statement based on what exactly?