Exporting Image Question
Hi everyone..
Im trying to export an image/drawing I created with sketchup. I can export the image but the problem is, I do not want the background I just want to export the image itself. When I do export the image I get alot of empty space in the background. Is there a way to adjust the amount of background shown when you export or save an image or is there a way to completely remove the background. My goal is: I just need the actual image not the background. Thanks for your help!
What is the background now? If you just want it to be blank, go to Styles and Edit the background to make it just white. Then use Zoom Extents to fill the drawing space with the model. If the model doesn't fit the drawing space well you could adjust the proportions of the drawing window to be a better fit. My models often don't fit the drawing window but instead of resizing the window, I just crop the resulting image export afterward.
have a look at this plugin by thomthom:
export with no background if you like.
(ie. only the model.. everything else will be transparent)