Help, my e-mail /computer is infected
Hi all
I need your erguent help.
It was a while that I was recieving e-mails from friends, directing to some webpages and it was obvious that they were produced with a badware or something , and not by my friends....
till today that I was shoked when opened my inbox,... wondering lots of failure notices ... and when opened one of them ... wow I was infected too....
I have received it too.. from you!
You can download a trial of a good anti-virus : NOD32 , Kaspersky or similar and do a full scan. - Free to use, but you need download it again, if you want to update it.
Turn off system restore (virii like to hide in there)
A free antivirus program (Avast, AVG, Kapersky, NOD32, etc..)
Lavasoft ad-aware
Spybot search & DestroyInstall, then restart in safe mode
Run them, one at a time.
Hopefully this will fix your problem. Reboot and turn system restore back on.
Thank all of you mates.
I am gonna go throu your advices to see what will happen next and hope to get rid of them. -
If it's possible for you, the most effective is to do a clean reinstall of your operating system. (backup your contacts, bookmarks, etc. first.) Then make sure you get all the windows updates, plus install antivirus pronto.
Having been infected more than once with malware over the years, I feel your pain.
Are you getting a specific symptom or response, such as a pop-up window or notice? If so, I would do an internet search for those symptoms to determine the specific virus(es), and then you might be able to find out how to manually remove it without having to do a complete system re-install. Also, there are various free malware removal tools available - you might avail yourself of one of those.
A warning about anti-virus software: they don't always detect all viruses, especially the most recent ones. I use Nod32 at home and at the office. Twice I was infected at home. I haven't been infected at work, but I let it expire and installed Microsoft's free antivirus software - it detected a trojan file on my computer that Nod32 didn't.
I just received a spam mailing from Liam K (not from him certainly but someone hacking his account) giving a site for "make money at home! Are you sure you want to leave this web page?!" etc. No problems so far, but since Liam has little reason to send me anything, I should not have clicked the link. Thought it was for SU.
This program
was recomended by my provider ,and it found and cured me from the infection.Bep
I have avast (free version) and it is working fine, but not for this adware,that reffers to a webpage that it's context is about " making money at home!" and fist time I recieved it from James Hunningan! several times , till he finally send me an e-mail, declaring that it was done by a virus and not him...
after a while I had it from my other friends with different subjects, such as "hi", "hey" ..etc... and finally myself was infected last week!!!
I do apologise, if there is such e-mail sent from my machin.
installed Lavasoft ad-aware, it makes my pc tooooooo slow and at the moment have no time to let it have a full scan, at the same time , when it is scanning, a c++ app cause it to be closed with a warning.
I've "off" pup-up (or add-ons) on my i-explorer at the moment..
@Bep: will test this one, and thankee -
When it happened to me a couple of years ago everyone on my mailing list got a random email linking off to various dubious sites.
It occurred exactly one hour after a full system scan done by AVG [full] which has failed to spot it.
Then it happened the next day too. I got some messages back from others warning me and I saw the extent of my Sent Items folder entries !
Nothing seemed to find the cause, even after a re-scan.
Eventually I deleted some Java stuff from my AppData subfolders which seemed to stop it!
Have you tried HijackThis ? -
hi Majid,
Avast or AVG are good choices for free antivirus.
there is also Emsisoft Emergency Kit 1.0
you can get it here
it's proven to be good. but you need to update it manually.
it wont affected by virus in infected pc.
give it a try. good luck. -
finally my crappy computer start to have "blue screen" of dumping (an screen showing physical memory dump, and counting down!!!) . then it restarted, giving a message that i've missed a system file ,and asking me to use a 3 finger hello! ( I mean, Alt+Ctrl+Del)!!!! and then missed my pc..., and now it is on repairing.... donno what happend and if it was depending on that treats or no, but it;d be fine by new windows.....
my only chance was that I had a copy of latest works on flash memory and continued on my new laptop wit only Sketchup+Gimp!!!, my only engineering apps!!