[Plugin] TextureRandomizer
i'm close to say i love you- but i don't
That's something i was thinking of for really a long time as it's a major improvement!!
I was just searching today before posting a request for thatWould really be worth an icon in the toolbar!
Additionally, it would be great to have something like a TextureMover tool which:
- highlights the face when you hover over it
- when you keep the mouse button pressed you see the texture like in the texture editing mode and
- your able just to move the texture really easy
It happens quite often that the texture is not in the right place or you have an edge of a non-tiled texture which you want to move aside.
Maybe with an icon at the cursortop like this: (ok, it's really simple)
The extension to randomize HUE, saturation and gamma would for sure be great but it's understandable that it's not that easy to implement.
It would rise the filesize very much as every texture will be resaved several times.
Maybe there will be something like this one day.
(In case of rendering there could be an option like MultiTexture for 3dsMax but that's of minor importance here)--
I can't believe i missed that..
There should be something like a sticky "Brand New Must Have Plugin" Post where such plugins are posted- and if you missed one or were not in the forums for a while it would be really great so see what has happend during the last days, something you really don't want to miss
Maybe just one post each plugin with a link to each topic.
It would make sense if it was in reversed order, like first post is always the latest..
Ok, maybe it'd need some improvement but you get what i mean, i guess.Anyway, thanks TIG
Find my other 'TextureTools' which allow you to Rotate/Position/Scale the texture of a selected face by either amount[s] entered in a dialog; OR by a set 'increment', using the arrow keys to nudge it into place, by say 1mm at a time in XU/YV... -
i know about your other plugin as it came across my way during my search today.
It's handy for sure.
And it's great to get over the problem of rotating a texture but not scaling it.
But it doesn't seem to do what i was looking for -> a simple moving of a face's texture.
And i'd have to do several clicks or entering numbers to use it.
This does make sense if you need it, but not in this case.I mean, i can select a face, use context-menu > texture > position > move texture.
But doing this for each face sums up quite quick to an annoying process.Therefor a one-click-solution would be really handy, don't you think?
I don't really understand you comments or alternative ideas...
The accuracy of the native Texture > Position tool etc is 'manual'.
With my TextureToolc you can set the UX/VY nudge to 1mm and use the arrow keys to relocate the texture up/down and/or right/left by those steps as desired... Its rotation tool doesn't do any scaling [?], so enter 1 degree and rotate using the arrow keys back/forth by 1 degree steps. If its not rotated about the desired 'origin' then the nudge tool can be used to realign it as needed ? It also scales textures by steps if desired.You can use this TextureRandomizer but set with min=max values to make a fixed change to ALL selected faces' textures; so if you want to rotate them all by 22 degrees enter that as both min and max angles... and hey presto all textures selected rotate by 22 degrees with no randomization !
Ok, i produced some misunderstanding
Sure your tools are accurate and therefor really handy.
But- if you could shift some textures (e.g. planks of a wooden floor) slightly and manually (approximately) with ease (with a tool), that would be great.
Like in the wooden floor example:
- some planks just don't look good where they were placed randomly or
- are randomized in a way that some by chance look repetitive again or
- the edge of a texture is visible
then you'd just want to shift them a bit.
your extention is graet . My problem well solved with this .
A request to develop this extension:
randomiz with select texture and group or component .thanks
You can only affect the UV-mapping of a Textured-Material that is applied onto a Face.
As evidenced by the available context-menu 'Texture'...
A Textured-Material applied onto a 'container' [i.e. a Group or Component-Instance] cannot be adjusted - neither using any native tool, nor via the Ruby API.Sorry
Hi SU2021 needs a *.rbz file.
Even renaming the *rb file to *rbz encounters an install errorDo I miss something?
This is an ancient thread...
But a simple search shows that v1.3 of this tool is available from in PluginStore [that's premade into an RBZ]
https://sketchucation.com/pluginstore?pln=TextureRandomizerTo make any single RB file into an RBZ you need to ZIP the RB then change the file-type suffix to RBZ...
Then install it as from hat file...OR you could simply put the RB directly into the relevant Plugins folder, and then restart SketchUp so that it loads...
@tig said:
This is an ancient thread...
But a simple search shows that v1.3 of this tool is available from in PluginStore [that's premade into an RBZ]
https://sketchucation.com/pluginstore?pln=TextureRandomizerTo make any single RB file into an RBZ you need to ZIP the RB then change the file-type suffix to RBZ...
Then install it as from hat file...OR you could simply put the RB directly into the relevant Plugins folder, and then restart SketchUp so that it loads...
Thanks for your swift reply !
Hi TIG, thanks for the plug-in. It would be handy to have an option to fix the offset for textures evenly within groups.
When you have groups with two or more internal faces often the texture is continuous and due to the way the plug-in is structured now this continuity is interrupted, because the faces are treated separately.
Would it be feasible? -
You can copy the UV mapped texture you've set, using the eyedropper tool that's part of the native Material tool, to select it, then paint the adjacent surfaces with the texture so the UV mapping matches across the facets...
I have not explained myself well, I try to upload a video to explain myself better.
After randomizing, the alignments become misaligned.
An option would be needed to fix one (and only one) random offset for each group / component.
Then the various faces' textures' randomization is no longer random !
They'd all be the same using your rules...
So if that's what you want, edit one face's texture and transfer its UV mapping to other faces using the eyedropper tool...
Then they match, but have a random 'seed' to start with... -
Just donate to you and don t see button to downloadPlease help
The Download button is the red one in the PluginStore listing.
If you are using the ExtensionStoreΒ³ then it's a similar button saying Install, as no RBZ is needed as it's done automatically... -
Hi, TIG Thanks for the extension
Can you please answer this question please, somebody, asks on my recent video? https://youtu.be/OCmKV7Rb7bQ"Any idea how this works for attached maps? Like for Enscape? Does the bump map align with the texture?
Thanks -
I think there's no connection between the two, but why not try it and report back...
Thanks very much
! Really was looking for a tool like this for easy floor customization...
hi there, its normal that in su 2024 it does not work with nested geometry? groupds and instances only are supported with one depth step