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Create new textures for sketchup..
How do?
example: >>
the format is SKM..
Thank you all! -
anyone can help me?
Right the material in the browser and choose edit material.
If I get you right PaOlo you want to know how to create a texture for sketchup like the example. In Photoshop or similar create your image on a new layer and make a transparent background. Then save as a png file (this will preserve the transparancy). Import that into Sketchup and there you have it.
It depends on if you want to have a texture or a object (like a standalone face as a fence).
For making materials the how-to's above are correct.If you want to have a "standalone-object" like fence, people, tree whats-of-ever you'd have to do it like this:
- import image with transparent parts (png file)
- explode image
- trace the object and delete transparent parts to get correct shadows
- to automate that you could use TIG's ImageTrimmer plugin (search the forums) which does that job for you