Will NOT scramble ??
When I run this as a rs-file it "works" fine - it comes up in the menu !
require 'sketchup' filename=File.basename(__FILE__) if(not file_loaded?(filename)) UI.menu("Plugins").add_item("Remskive") { Sketchup.active_model.select_tool Polley.new } end file_loaded(filename) class Polley # store bogstaver evt. med _ er en CONST MINDIAP = 50.mm MINDIAA = 10.mm MINKRVD = 25.mm MINKRVB = 15.mm end #class
when I scramble the file - NOTHING comes up in the menu !
NO CHANGES except that it's scrambled - why ?
The Ruby
won't work inside a compiled .rbs file, so that's probably breaking it.
You would normally only scramble code you want to remain protected and private.
Making some menu items is not one of those.
Why do you want to scramble such a 'simple script'?
You are hardly protecting your intellectual property rights in the code you showed us...
Can I suggest that you make a 'loader' script that is a .rb file [which has code the menus/toolbars etc, 'require'ing the main script[s] etc which will be inside your own tool's subfolder - any encrypted .rbs scripts are [usually] kept inside such a subfolder - that's also where any webdialog files, images for toolbar buttons etc will reside...
Then you have no difficulties setting the menu up via the .rb file AND your code in the .rbs file[s] remains confidential... IF you really have to protect it in this way... -
@tig said:
The Ruby
won't work inside a compiled .rbs file, so that's probably breaking it.
You would normally only scramble code you want to remain protected and private.
Making some menu items is not one of those.
Why do you want to scramble such a 'simple script'?
You are hardly protecting your intellectual property rights in the code you showed us...
Can I suggest that you make a 'loader' script that is a .rb file [which has code the menus/toolbars etc, 'require'ing the main script[s] etc which will be inside your own tool's subfolder - any encrypted .rbs scripts are [usually] kept inside such a subfolder - that's also where any webdialog files, images for toolbar buttons etc will reside...
Then you have no difficulties setting the menu up via the .rb file AND your code in the .rbs file[s] remains confidential... IF you really have to protect it in this way...I just want to try to scramble my code because I (thought I !) can !
This simple sample is just because I tried to eliminate big chunks of code - and by the first try it went wrong.
And you'r just right - setting up menues is not something you want to protect - and now I know I CAN'T
So restructure your toolset as "two scripts"...
An .rb file in the Plugins folder that will auto-load - making the menus/toolbars etc, and the scrambled .rbs file inside the tool's subfolder, which is what the .rb 'requires', and that makes the 'module/class/methods' called by the .rb items...
If you do what TIG suggest you can use the opportunity to make it into a SketchupExtension so it's listed in the Extension list.
@tig said:
The Ruby
won't work inside a compiled .rbs file, so that's probably breaking it.
...Something is not right here - you say the "FILE" won't wotk in .rbs files - NOT TRUE !
Here is an example and it works fine BOTH as rb- and rbs-file:
require 'sketchup' filename=File.basename(__FILE__) if(not file_loaded?(filename)) UI.menu("Plugins").add_item("Bolte") { Sketchup.active_model.select_tool Bolte.new } end file_loaded(filename) class Bolte # Konstanter til diverse dialoger og statustekster DIAMETER = "Diameter ;" HOVEDTYP = "Hovedtype ;" SKIVEVED = "Skive ved ;" PLACER = "Placer ved ;" KOPI = "Tilføj kopi ;" FORFRA = " ELLER højre-klik for at starte forfra !" NOTONFACE = "Det udprikkede punkt er IKKE på en flade !" UDAFEMNET = "Angiv boltlængden ved at klikke, hvor hjælpelinien kommer ud af emnet" EVTFLERE = "Vælg evt. flere boltplaceringer, indtast fast boltlængde" SEKSKANT = "6 Kant" UNBRAKO = "Unbrako" INGEN = "Ingen" HOVED = "Hoved" MOETRIK = "Motrik" BEGGE = "Begge" UDMAAL = "Krydsstreger" KLIKMUS = "Klik med mus" JA = "Ja" NEJ = "Nej" def initialize UI.messagebox("Hertil !",MB_OK) end end # of class Bolte
I beleave the code witch started this posting is structured EXACTLY likewise - but it will ONLY run as a rb-file, NOT as a rbs-file - i can't see the principal difference:
require 'sketchup' filename=File.basename(__FILE__) if(not file_loaded?(filename)) UI.menu("Plugins").add_item("Remskive") { Sketchup.active_model.select_tool Polley.new } end file_loaded(filename) class Polley # store bogstaver evt. med _ er en CONST MINDIAP = 50.mm MINDIAA = 10.mm MINKRVD = 25.mm MINKRVB = 15.mm def initialize() UI.messagebox("Hertil !",MB_OK) end #initialize end #class
Can someone pleace tell me why ?
Both sample codes are cut down to minimal still showing the problem (you can cut out more if you like) - that's why they seems so non sence !
(>> thomthom: The original files ARE organised as SketchupExtensions - but it's not shown here because I don't think it's part of the problem)
OK... perhaps I should have said something like using 'FILE' won't work inside a .rbs compiled script consistently...
When a Ruby runs it has FILE got from the script's own path, which is unique to each script.
When a .rbs runs with the FILE code compiled within it, you cannot assume that it will return the path to the .rbs file itself, so if it's returning the path to the 'executing app' it might just work for one .rbs, but then not for any others subsequently, because FILE will NOT point at the .rbs file itself and will have been added to the file_loaded's array already !I can't see why you are spending so much time trying to compile a 'menu setter' - just make it a .rb - that way it's transparent to the user and won't have these issues, it makes the menu items/toolbars etc and required the .rbs files from their subfolder - it's a 'loader'...
Then your compiled .rbs files [without any need to include 'menu code'] can go into your tool's subfolder where they belong with the other files a complex tool needs... This is the 'proper' way to do it... IF you must protect your code by compiling it...
At the moment getting you code to run properly is much more important, but if you compile it no one can look at it to help you debug because decompiling a .rbs file is not possible... -
@tig said:
:roll: OK... perhaps I should have said something like using 'FILE' won't work inside a .rbs compiled script consistently...
When a Ruby runs it has FILE got from the script's own path, which is unique to each script....Ha, ha, I think I'm the one who should do the
Can I ask (and get an answer of cause ) is the SCRAMBLER just a prototype ?
And please don't turn the focus to me trying to scramble menu setting - that's not the point - it's just a smokescreen over the real problem I think.
Even this simple code doesn't work when scrambled and loaded as an extension:
require 'sketchup.rb' class Polley # store bogstaver evt. med _ er en CONST MINDIAP = 50.mm MINDIAA = 10.mm MINKRVD = 25.mm MINKRVB = 15.mm def initialize() UI.messagebox("A") end #initialize def draw_pulley() end # draw_polley def input_dialog() end # input_dialog def makePulley(diaP, diaA, krvD, krvB) end # makePulley end #class
The "A" never comes up
- maybe the scrambler IS a prototype - then just say it then.
You only need to call
require 'sketchup.rb'
once in a session [it might have been called earlier by another script anyway],
do should that in your 'loading' .rb file that makes the 'extension'.
Then you can omit it from the .rbs because it's already loaded...
OR alternatively try to use
Sketchup::require 'xxx'
inside a compiled script, which should work... -
The scrambler is not a prototype.
It started as @Last's then taken over by Google...
So it has been around for many years, but it has always had such issues...
But then a few simple ground-rules when devising the set up of your code avoids them.I don't understand your antipathy
Either work with what you've been given [taking into account the advice we give freely and kindly], or forget about scrambling things altogether until you are really 'up to steam' on Ruby scripting with the API, OR if you have the ability then write a better scrambler and explain to us how to use it !
@tig said:
You only need to call
require 'sketchup.rb'
once in a session [it might have been called earlier by another script anyway],
do should that in your 'loading' .rb file that makes the 'extension'.
Then you can omit it from the .rbs because it's already loaded...
OR alternatively try to use
Sketchup::require 'xxx'
inside a compiled script, which should work...?????
Ha, ha just a new smokescreen ....
Whether or not I have the "require 'sketchup.rb'" is not the point - and it has NO difference on the problem !
The point is if the scrambler IS a prototype or NOT ... and you have not a single word about it
I remember to have read somewhere in this forum, that it maybe would be a good idea to write a better scrambler .... I would add: maybe a better interpretor too - not to mention an editor with some intellisence .... that would be really nice.
There is much too much 'really low level' debugging going on in what should be a high level language.
.... but take Ruby as it is or leave it !
If you make an extension, using
, which loads a.rbs
file you'll get namespace trouble.Say you have a plugin written in module
stored a.rbs
loaded viaSketchupExtension
then it will beloaded intoSketchupExtension::FooBar
instead of the expected root namespace. I seems that SketchupExtension eval into its own namespace. I ran into that problem with Vertex Tools - and because of that had to make an unscrambled proxy loader to ensure everything came into the correct namespace. -
@ksor said:
The "A" never comes up
- maybe the scrambler IS a prototype - then just say it then.
So when you do tried
nothing happened - no error at all?Your example didn't include anything about how you tested it - maybe there is something there.
@thomthom said:
@ksor said:
The "A" never comes up
- maybe the scrambler IS a prototype - then just say it then.
So when you do tried
nothing happened - no error at all?Your example didn't include anything about how you tested it - maybe there is something there.
I just did the same as with the .rb file - just clicked in the menu: when run by .rb the "A" comes up, when run as .rbs nothing happens - no error, nothing at all.
I never used so much time on so little code with so little outcome - it feels like just killing time !
@ksor said:
I just did the same as with the .rb file - just clicked in the menu: when run by .rb the "A" comes up, when run as .rbs nothing happens - no error, nothing at all.
There is something else going on. I tried that Polley snippet you posted - scrambled it. Loaded the .rbs and wrote in the console:
The messagebox popped up.Did you try exactly that small snippet yourself - or did you extract it from your main code? Sounds like your issues lies with the construct of your plugin.
Since you don't get any messagebox, nor any errors when it should pop up it sound like something is overriding the initialize method.
(Remember you cannot reload a .rbs - you must restart SketchUp to see any changes.) -
@thomthom said:
@ksor said:
I just did the same as with the .rb file - just clicked in the menu: when run by .rb the "A" comes up, when run as .rbs nothing happens - no error, nothing at all.
There is something else going on. I tried that Polley snippet you posted - scrambled it. Loaded the .rbs and wrote in the console:
The messagebox popped up.Did you try exactly that small snippet yourself - or did you extract it from your main code? Sounds like your issues lies with the construct of your plugin.
Since you don't get any messagebox, nor any errors when it should pop up it sound like something is overriding the initialize method.
(Remember you cannot reload a .rbs - you must restart SketchUp to see any changes.)I did EXACTLY that snippet af code - and I start SketchUp from scratch each time I do some tests.
I start it as an extension as recommended and this primary code is here:
require 'sketchup.rb' require 'extensions.rb' filename=File.basename(__FILE__) if(not file_loaded?(filename)) UI.menu("Plugins").add_item("Remskive") { Sketchup.active_model.select_tool Polley.new } end file_loaded(filename) # Create the extension. ext = SketchupExtension.new 'Remskive', 'Remskive/Remskive_LOADER' # Attach some nice info. ext.creator = 'Keld Sørensen, Danmark' ext.version = '1.0.0' ext.copyright = '2012..., Keld Sørensen' ext.description = 'Visit my website; http://kelds.weebly.com/udvidelser.html' # Register and load the extension on startup. Sketchup.register_extension ext, true
@ksor said:
I did EXACTLY that snippet af code - and I start SketchUp from scratch each time I do some tests.
I start it as an extension as recommended and this primary code is here:
Did you read my previous comment about namespace and loading scrambled files via SketchupExtension?
On a sidenote - it can be confusing for the user if the menus are always there - regardless if the extension is loaded. And it'd defeat the purpose of using the extension. Menus should be loaded by the script that SketchupExtension loads.
@thomthom said:
On a sidenote - it can be confusing for the user if the menus are always there - regardless if the extension is loaded. And it'd defeat the purpose of using the extension. Menus should be loaded by the script that SketchupExtension loads.
Maybe I misunderstands you - english isn't my first language- but isn't exactly the opposit of what TIG told me to do ?
@ksor said:
@thomthom said:
On a sidenote - it can be confusing for the user if the menus are always there - regardless if the extension is loaded. And it'd defeat the purpose of using the extension. Menus should be loaded by the script that SketchupExtension loads.
Maybe I misunderstands you - english isn't my first language- but isn't exactly the opposit of what TIG told me to do ?
Not quite.
The general structure is:
Defines the SketchupExtension and maybe some constants containing the path of the plugin which the scrambled files can later use.
The extension loads Plugins/MyPlugin/loader.rbPlugins/MyPlugin/loader.rb
Loads the rest of the .rbs files. You can define the menus here as well.
This proxy unscrambled .rbs file ensures that the content of the rbs files doesn't end up under the SketchupExtension namespace.
Putting the menus there also ensures they are not cluttering the UI while the extension is disabled.If the .rbs files need to address the path where the plugin is located they would then refer to the path constant previously defined - withing your own namespace of course.
Was that outline somewhat clear?
Engelsk er ikke mitt første språk heller.
(Men jeg bodde der i fire år...)