Help with cut and folded sheets
I HAVE SERIOUS PROBLEMS TO DO THIS DESIGN OF STEEL, I can not mirror the position 3, other problem i can not make the 1 position , it is fold and have a trapezoidal geometry!it is very difficult for me help please thanks. ps:last problem is rotate position 3!
The rotation-tool defaults to be on one of the axial-planes [orbit to see more sky etc], or the plane of the face your cursor is currently over.
You can lock the tool onto the currently displayed plane by holding-down the shift-key.
If you want to rotate something around a particular edge then click-hold-drag the rotation-tool's cursor along that edge and it snaps to be perpendicular to the edge, with the edge then being the axis of rotation.
This means you can rotate most things about almost any plane or edge, with a little thought and determination...
Grouping geometry [as you have done] IS important to avoid geometry 'sticking together' as you rotate/move it...
thanks a lot i will try