@andybot said:
no worries. Just when it's asked to post a render, it's generally helpful to post the render. Maybe some information about your lighting and your camera settings too. I would guess your lighting level might be too low compared to your GI illumination.
please guide me sir ! how to fix it . vray is all on default . i can printscreen you something . i just need fast and usefull help because the vray doesnt work !
Have you tried increasing the intensity of your lighting? Hard to help without knowing what you are trying to do. What lights are you adding to your scene?
i just installed vray . i didnt do nothing but draw lights . here you can see rendeer without lights and without all . its just this thing i drew to show you guys
si this is object without anything.
this is objest without anything in render
this is object with all the lights and stuff
and object with lights in render
soo can you help me ? ive played with brightness yes and with all other stuff but nothing.
you can turn down the sun intensity setting. You'll find it in the environment tab when you click on the "M" next to GI. You could use a setting like 0.05
Then, you can reduce the camera speed to something like 30 or however low you need to get the scene bright again. Those are some quick tips, another option is to adjust your lights intensity much higher. -
its marked gray and i cant change it ... its so hard without someone here to learn this ... im experimenting with material , stone wood and stuff and with rectangle light ... is there any way i can help myself better , because this little tips you give me arent much , but thanks . is there some tutorial from scratch ?
@dmhmaestro said:
is there any way i can help myself better
Yes, watch the tutorials. There's a sticky thread with links here
i thought forums are for helping other , not for bragging and showing you know stuff. this is example how nobody can help me. thats just sad people. i make money off making architecture and i wanted to improve my skills and learn new stuff. the tutorials dont always work !
@dmhmaestro said:
i thought forums are for helping other , not for bragging and showing you know stuff. this is example how nobody can help me. thats just sad people. i make money off making architecture and i wanted to improve my skills and learn new stuff. the tutorials dont always work !
Are you saying Andy hasn't been helping you? I don't see him dismissing any of your questions, nor has he been flaunting his own work.
Learning to render isn't done in a second. It takes time and you where on the right track, one thing at a time. But telling people who are replying to your questions that they aren't good enough because you're not getting the results you want fast enough is not any way to make friends. Skills takes time. Take it easy and be nice to the people who're nice to you. -
@dmhmaestro said:
i thought forums are for helping other
My apologies if my answer was a little short. I learned a lot from the tutorials, and if you take the time, they can answer a lot of your basic questions much better than I can.
one of the best thing to learn is read the manual first,
second do it step by step.. i have written lots of tutorial about definitive lightings so read them, as andy said it will answer most of your questions. my tutorials are Here.. http://www.sketchupvrayresources.blogspot.com/p/free-hdri.htmlyou can also watch lots of youtube videos.
i am doing also basic tutorial series for vray sketchup. So if you are beginner this will be a great help/ I have finished the first part of my segment and will plan to do more. http://www.sketchupvrayresources.blogspot.com/2012/02/basic-vray-sketchup-tutorial-series-1.html
Yeah I dont see anything that andy is bragging at all. He is very helpful. Perhaps cultural differences again..
Andy, I don't think you have any reason to apologize,because you are one of the most helpful person around.
DOMI, it's hard for people to give you the right answer and right away. Usually, beginners have questions from five to five minutes, and it's not bad, because it shows that you want to learn. Still, a beginner should read the manual first, then follow some tutorials,
and then hit the forum. In deed not all the people will help you, because people work, don't have an answer, or just don't want to answer.
So, the conclusion is to follow some tutorials about exterior rendering in this particular case of yours, visit Nomeradona's blog and bookmark them, search on youtube tutorials shared by ASGVIS or ChaosGroup .
And by the way, here you will get help, but not with this attitude.
Good Luck,
Stefan -
hahaha Hugz for Andy
awww, too kind
thanks guys.