Bake shadows in Sketchup and export in COLLADA...???
I wish export my model in COLLADA .dae format, with shadows baked in the texture, as a lightmap. Could be it possible?
Do you know other way to do it?
Thank you!!
I am not sure, but I believe that this was the idea behind LightUp:
A DAE file contains geometry.
Shadows are created in the SKP using OpenGL so they aren't geometry.
A DAE file also has no camera or shadow settings in it so you can't replicate those either.I have a draft ShadowProjector tool that projects the shadows of selected objects onto the rest of the model as edge-outlines of the shadows...
Watch out for its first release... -
You might try this plugin:
It generates and applies AO shaded image-based materials right in SketchUp, which should export using the collada exporter.
You might be interested in this new tool