Match Photo -photo box missing?
Does it look like I have something missing in my dialogue box for Match Photo?
I have matched my first photo and now cannot turn the image off...a little searching showed that there is supposed to be a "Photo" option at the top of the dialogue that allows it to be turned on or off...but mine doesn't look like the one in the videos I found.
Is there another way to turn the photo off?
Still curious why my dialogue doesn't have the "Photo" section...but I found that if you go into Style->Edit- you can turn off the photos.
There's no dialog missing from the MatchPhoto box. With V8 it got moved to the Styles>Settings dialog. I suppose the help files haven't been updated.
@dave r said:
There's no dialog missing from the MatchPhoto box. With V8 it got moved to the Styles>Settings dialog. I suppose the help files haven't been updated.
Thanks - at least I found it. LOL