Prompt windows too small
I don't think I've ever seen that on Windows XP or Vista.
That appears to be an OS issue, or a setting not usually accessed if it is truncating the command in the interface. Could it be that the tool dialogue needs adjustment?
C'est certainement un problème d'OS, je n'ai jamais vu ça sur XP,Vista,ou 7.It's surely an OS problem, because I never saw that on XP, Vista or 7.
i think the problem is with Safari ..or a combination of coders that know the ins/outs of windows making dialogs for mac using typical IE standards..
i remember fredo having all sorts of problems trying to get his dialogs to look right on mac.. there are a few other plugins i use which display some sort of weirdness like this and i've just learned to deal with it.. but if i use a plugin written by a macthen everything is always proper..
in cases like this (a generous gesture by didier - i.e. free plugin) i think you just have to experiment/figure out how to use it on mac.. otherwise, maybe ship/loan him a mbp for a couple of weeks and a few 12 packs.. that oughta get things sorted out
Thanks for trying to help. I wasn't complaining, in fact I had already this problem with OSX 4 and with SU7 and older versions.
It's just annoying, I though I could just change some lines in Ruby and tada! -
@gilles said:
Thanks for trying to help. I wasn't complaining, in fact I had already this problem with OSX 4 and with SU7 and older versions.
It's just annoying, I though I could just change some lines in Ruby and tada!you probably can.. it's just that most of these coder are windows experts so they can't easily tell you what lines to change..
i think adamB wrote light up on a mac and there are a couple of other mac coders that pop in from time to time but for the most part, these guys know how to do their thing on windows while picking up bits and pieces here and there to make sure their plugins work on mac.. but that doesn't mean the plugins are optimized for mac.i'm not going to learn the stuff though! maybe you will?
@unknownuser said:
i'm not going to learn the stuff though! maybe you will?
I have tried ( a little) but it is really not for me.
May be I should make a request to mac coders. -
@unknownuser said:
i think the problem is with Safari
I don't think so. This is not a WebDialog, but the usual inputbox Ruby method. No options or parameters in this method related to the OS.
I'm a bit confused, this is the first time a mac user reports this behavior of the dialog, while a bunch of them are using the plugin since a year or so... -
This particular one is Google fixable, it happens because the Input Boxes are a set width, not like the Web Dialogs that can be author/user adjusted. it even happens with the example on the API
# With four params, it shows a drop down box for prompts that have # pipe-delimited lists of options. In this case, the Gender prompt # is a drop down instead of a text box. prompts = ["What is your Name?", "What is your Age?", "Gender"] defaults = ["Enter name", "", "Male"] list = ["", "", "Male|Female"] input = UI.inputbox prompts, defaults, list, "Tell me about yourself."
The Nib doesn't auto resize, so the only work around is to not exceed the 12 characters including space.
e.g.# With four params, it shows a drop down box for prompts that have # pipe-delimited lists of options. In this case, the Gender prompt # is a drop down instead of a text box. prompts = ["Full Name?", "Age?", "Gender"] defaults = ["Enter name", "in years", "Male"] list = ["", "", "Male|Female"] input = UI.inputbox prompts, defaults, list, "Tell me about yourself."
have I bored you enough, yet
Dear Didier, don't be confuse I show one of your plugins but there are other from other coders with the same issue.
So I don't know where to dig.
It is not that important.
I use and try lots of plugins to work and I'm grateful to you all making such efforts.
" à cheval donné,on ne regarde pas les dents." -
thanks for the lesson john..
and didier for pointing out that this isn't a web dialogi think i might change my sig to:
if i ever type anything about ruby, please ignore it -
@gilles said:
I though I could just change some lines in Ruby and tada!
I should have clarified that I just changed the words found at
prompts = ["", "", ""]
that's all you need to do in the scripts... john
@ driven, thanks for clarification, I'll try this.
When you know why it's half of the problem to be solved.
As we say here " s'il n'y a pa de solution c'est qu'il n'y a pas de problème".
" If there is no solution , there is no problem." -
@gilles said:
" s'il n'y a pa de solution c'est qu'il n'y a pas de problème".
" If there is no solution , there is no problem."Say that in 12 characters... cheers
In this case, no chance to change anything the file is scrambled.
The solution would be that I recode it for Mac
I've often used a trick to give prompts more "place" in the dialog, for instance:
prompt=["What is your family name:"] becomes prompt=["What is your family name:..............."] (.=space)
Inserting spaces in the values dropdown list items should do the trick, too.@gilles: Here is the modified RBS (I guess you have the french version
If it works OK on Mac I'll publish a Mac version.-> dézippes dans ton sous-dossier "Projection" et écrase le fichier "fr_projection.rbs" précédent. Relances SU et croise les doigts... Tiens-moi au courant.
It works fine.
Thank you Didier.
Edit: same issue with lines to tubes.