Prompt windows too small
@unknownuser said:
i think the problem is with Safari
I don't think so. This is not a WebDialog, but the usual inputbox Ruby method. No options or parameters in this method related to the OS.
I'm a bit confused, this is the first time a mac user reports this behavior of the dialog, while a bunch of them are using the plugin since a year or so... -
This particular one is Google fixable, it happens because the Input Boxes are a set width, not like the Web Dialogs that can be author/user adjusted. it even happens with the example on the API
# With four params, it shows a drop down box for prompts that have # pipe-delimited lists of options. In this case, the Gender prompt # is a drop down instead of a text box. prompts = ["What is your Name?", "What is your Age?", "Gender"] defaults = ["Enter name", "", "Male"] list = ["", "", "Male|Female"] input = UI.inputbox prompts, defaults, list, "Tell me about yourself."
The Nib doesn't auto resize, so the only work around is to not exceed the 12 characters including space.
e.g.# With four params, it shows a drop down box for prompts that have # pipe-delimited lists of options. In this case, the Gender prompt # is a drop down instead of a text box. prompts = ["Full Name?", "Age?", "Gender"] defaults = ["Enter name", "in years", "Male"] list = ["", "", "Male|Female"] input = UI.inputbox prompts, defaults, list, "Tell me about yourself."
have I bored you enough, yet
Dear Didier, don't be confuse I show one of your plugins but there are other from other coders with the same issue.
So I don't know where to dig.
It is not that important.
I use and try lots of plugins to work and I'm grateful to you all making such efforts.
" à cheval donné,on ne regarde pas les dents." -
thanks for the lesson john..
and didier for pointing out that this isn't a web dialogi think i might change my sig to:
if i ever type anything about ruby, please ignore it -
@gilles said:
I though I could just change some lines in Ruby and tada!
I should have clarified that I just changed the words found at
prompts = ["", "", ""]
that's all you need to do in the scripts... john
@ driven, thanks for clarification, I'll try this.
When you know why it's half of the problem to be solved.
As we say here " s'il n'y a pa de solution c'est qu'il n'y a pas de problème".
" If there is no solution , there is no problem." -
@gilles said:
" s'il n'y a pa de solution c'est qu'il n'y a pas de problème".
" If there is no solution , there is no problem."Say that in 12 characters... cheers
In this case, no chance to change anything the file is scrambled.
The solution would be that I recode it for Mac
I've often used a trick to give prompts more "place" in the dialog, for instance:
prompt=["What is your family name:"] becomes prompt=["What is your family name:..............."] (.=space)
Inserting spaces in the values dropdown list items should do the trick, too.@gilles: Here is the modified RBS (I guess you have the french version
If it works OK on Mac I'll publish a Mac version.-> dézippes dans ton sous-dossier "Projection" et écrase le fichier "fr_projection.rbs" précédent. Relances SU et croise les doigts... Tiens-moi au courant.
It works fine.
Thank you Didier.
Edit: same issue with lines to tubes.