Anybody playing battlefield 3 or modern warfare 3 for the PC?
We had a charity sale for WIRED magazine and I completely rinsed it for gaming products...I have no excuse for my poor kill ratio with my new tools lol!!
liam887 on origin and liamk887 on Steam!
I would be curious to know how well a razer mouse performs while using sketchup. Do you have any impressions in that sense?
I personally use a Cyborg Rat mouse and I find myself very well, but I really like Rezer Mice design
My mouse is this one:
@broomstick said:
I would be curious to know how well a razer mouse performs while using sketchup. Do you have any impressions in that sense?
I personally use a Cyborg Rat mouse and I find myself very well, but I really like Rezer Mice design
My mouse is this one:
Yeah I also got a Rat 9 in the sale http://www.gearculture.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/cyborg-rat9-wireless-mouse.jpg
I havent tried it on SU yet but will do this weekend so I will let you know!
u jelly?
Does minesweeper count?
flying inverted is a real skill....
@khai said:
flying inverted is a real skill....
You can have a button assigned to reverse your mouse axis settings and then it would feel normal! Good idea I will try this weekend!
erm no
the picture with the joystick.
which way up is it....?here the pic is upside down...
ahhhhhh ha!
do a barrel roll?
BF3... I use Rat 7
Is that a mouse?
What does it do?
appear as the Tumbler in the batman movies?
Ok, I watched a review on the RAT. It's obviously for gamers only. Since I don't play games it seemed a bit OTT.
But each to their own. I do have a friend who's addicted to either Battlefield or Call of Duty. It's constantly on his TV. It does look impressive but I fail to understand the draw.... I do like PES though
Why do you need so much gear? -
the Rat 7 has extended configuration... the back slides outward, the thumb rest rotates out, there are multiple pinky rests for it... up to 5600dpi with on mouse sensitivity buttons, a sniper button(minimal sensitivity) 3 different mode configurations that allow user sets. a set of weights to make it heavy and solid, two different wheels one forward and one sideways. and a braided wire.
I wanted something that would be great for gaming and also be great for sketchup. and this is what I found. I have a BF3 mode and a SketchUp mode. it rocks.
I'm not a gamer, my last game I enjoyed was Command and Conquer Generals (years ago) however I did install Crysis for the scene builder and let my kid play it...or not as it went all crazy on a dual screen configuration, how does one play a shooter game on a dual monitor setup?
Liam, I do play BF3. Not as fancy a controller setup as yours by any means, a plain old G5 mouse, N52 and AV8r-01 stick is what I use. I'll send you a friend request, you'll see it from "Ympakt".
EDIT: I searched battlelog and Origin for your nick "liam887" and it couldn't find you. Do I have it right?