Act of God.
The wisdom of God's Word becomes evident when a person genuinely and diligently studies them.
The charred steel frame reminded me of this:
@dropout said:
When you reduce the Bible to it's core message about how we ought to live, it's love your neighbor as yourself.
If that's its core they should have just wrote a pamphlet and not a collection of books (incomplete at that) which are filled with incest, murder, genocide, human and animal sacrifice, rules that everybody ignores on what to eat, wear and how and with whom to have sexual relations, god acting like a mean kid and then in the new testament they can't even get the story straight.
Pete, you should post the first image on 'some funny pictures' thread. No comments needed.
An act of God,
Should we start writing about the deepest meaning of the word "hubris" ? As Oxford dictionary suggests, read about some ancient greek theatrical tragedies. -
I would say God was an art critic in this case. How was that a statue of Christ? The pose is more like Moses...or some giant drowning in that pond.
Then again maybe it was a miracle the statue protected the stupid little building behind from the strike. What was that thing made of? Styrofoam?
@pbacot said:
I would say God was an art critic in this case. How was that a statue of Christ? The pose is more like Moses...or some giant drowning in that pond.
I have to agree there. It reminded me of that ubercheesy statue of Crazy Horse being built in S. Dakota.
BTW...slightly off I alone in thinking that there's not enough mountain to deal with that flowing mane on top of his head? Not without several hundred tons of reconstituted stone, at any rate.
You aren't alone Alan
Mechanically or aesthetically speaking. -
@alan fraser said:
BTW...slightly off I alone in thinking that there's not enough mountain to deal with that flowing mane on top of his head? Not without several hundred tons of reconstituted stone, at any rate.
By the time it is finished he will be an old man and will have lost all his hair. Someone was thinking ahead
Whale fossils in the desert? Quick, make it a religious debate.
@marian said:
Whale fossils in the desert? Quick, make it a religious debate..
Ah! the Good Old Days....I bet Pete really misses arguing with Cornel.
Solo wrote: „I get this but personally I'd call it an act of Nature.”
Call it “An act of God”, to be more precise..., because God controls everything that happens in the Nature!
@alan fraser said:
I'd hope so. You'd think they'd get the message about indulging in idolatry.
kidding aside. i agree with Alan on that "idolatry". that's one issue that has been rolling around among those claiming themselves as Jesus follower. yet, they don't really do what they said.@unknownuser said:
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God,
Exodus 20:4-5athat verse and many other verses from most scriptures of Abrahamic religions agrees on the issue, literally and allegorically.
You wrote that the Bible presents “god acting like a mean kid...”
Bravo, Marian! You judge God... You are greater than He is ...!?At 1 Thessalonians 5:21 is written: “Test all things; hold fast what is good!”,
and at Ephesians 5:10 is written: Find out what is acceptable to the Lord!”
Have you complied?! -
@unknownuser said:
.., because God controls everything that happens in the Nature!
cool.. a spillover thread...
so i guess god controls my beliefs?
or are you saying he (why a he anyway? he has a penis or something?).. or are you saying he controls everything except wether or not i believe he's real?..or i guess i mean (since you're obviously going to say that no, that's my choice)… what exactly does 'everything that happens in the nature" actually encompass?
let's see what fancy bible quote you come up with to talk yourself out of this one..
@ ’Marian’
Besides the multitude of good advice, the Bible presents a number of negative aspects, for people to not repeat them.
You are wrong, sayng that the Scripture promotes evil... -
@unknownuser said:
Call it “An act of God”, to be more precise..., because God controls everything that happens in the Nature!
That's just plain silly. I've no problem with people believing that God might be in some way ultimately responsible, because he set the ball rolling. But that's like blaming someone on a Ford production line for an auto accident that was the result of driver error, simply because he built the car.
The idea that anyone would still believe that a divine being is directly reponsible for a golfer being struck by lightning, like Zeus sending out his thunderbolts, is both scary and laughable at the same time.And it is an all or nothing situation if you take that stance. Either he was the original creator and everything from there pretty much runs on automatic; or he personally strikes down every person that dies in a natural catastrophe. Because if he does control everything that happens in nature then he can just as easily prevent catastrophes as cause them...he can micromanage who lives and who dies.
@unknownuser said:
@ ’Marian’
Besides the multitude of good advice, the Bible presents a number of negative aspects, for people to not repeat them.
You are wrong, sayng that the Scripture promotes evil...@unknownuser said:
You wrote that the Bible presents “god acting like a mean kid...”
Bravo, Marian! You judge God... You are greater than He is ...!? doesn't promote evil, it promotes stupidity through which evil is done. Just because it has a few good advice doesn't redeem it. How many times do I have to type that!?
Yes I do judge him and all the other imagined deities. He's not my god and indeed I and most of the people I know are greater than your god. It's not that hard actually.@unknownuser said:
At 1 Thessalonians 5:21 is written: “Test all things; hold fast what is good!”,
and at Ephesians 5:10 is written: Find out what is acceptable to the Lord!”
Have you complied?!Test all things, including god. Check
Hold fast what is good. Check
Listening to my moral compass. Check
Being kind to others. Check
Finding out what is acceptable to your lord. Who gives a rat's ass? He finds many silly things inacceptable and many horrendous things acceptable. -
The idea of a God starting the ball rolling then sitting back and watching things unfold is one thing, but if God can [and does] influence day-to-day events then we really are in a big mess.
Let's for a moment at least, assume this to be true...
Perhaps God can stop things happening - with results that we'll perceive as good or bad [God might view these results in another way from us, but being all powerful and all knowing he knows how we'll feel].
Perhaps God can also make things happen - with us perceiving good or bad results too.
BUT if God is 'goodness and light' why is he letting any bad stuff happen at all ?
If God chooses to let something [bad] happen, when it might have been prevented, then that's effectively equivalent to making it happen anyway.
If God intervenes in every event, and he lets a substantial block of bad things come to pass then he doesn't seen as 'good' to me as many make out - he's now just a 'meddler' - then why revere him ?
If God chooses to intervene just 'sometimes' then that's just capricious ! - again why revere him ?
If God decides who will benefit and who will fail etc on such a whim... - then why revere him ?
BUT conversely if he never intercedes, then he's not an active participant in today's world and why should we revere him, or ever worry about him ?
If God chooses to let bad stuff happen to punish us for our wicked-ways and misuse of the free-will he gave us then that too is lamentable - for he knew full-well what the outcome of his long running experiment would be - since he knows everything and therefore knew that giving us free-will was never going to work out well for many of us - for didn't he make us, knowing how we work and ultimately how events would unfold? If he didn't realize that, then he is not all-knowing, but a tinkering nuisance, and again doesn't deserve respect.
We also shouldn't revere him if he's still the vengeful God of the Old Testament, punishing non-believers and sinners alike, because he needs therapy - someone that powerful should not have serious anger issues like this - did he not 'smite' the first born babies in Egypt because he sided with Moses - hardly a just punishment for those innocent victims, when his gripe was with Pharaoh and his army... you shouldn't revere a bully: you might kowtow to him in case he hurts you, but 'worshiping' him would be a longterm mistake, as bullies thrive on their domination of others.Diatribe done.