Folding Errors
I've been having trouble making a component and keeping the surfaces planar. I happened to have "View Hidden Geometry" on when I remade the piece, and found some interesting errors from the Rotate Tool.
-using Rectangle, make a square and size it to 4"
-using Line and inferences, draw verticals to make panels rising from the edges of the square
_using Rotate, rotate the panels ooutward 13° or 19°Result: On the first Rotate, the square deformed and gained a dotted diagonal, as did the panel that rotated. On the second Rotate, the second panel also deformed. The third and fourth panels did not deform.
Note also that if Edges Colored By Axis is selected, they show as axial.
I once posted about some pesky hidden geometry, and someone analyzed the folds and replied that the vertices were out of plane a few millionths, enough to give a problem but not so much that you couldn't make a surface if you drew then erased lines. It seems that SU has a tighter tolerance for hidden geometry than it does for inferences or axial lines. It would be much easier to debug a drawing if the tolerances were the same.
That said, I've also noticed that moving the cursor more slowly gives fewer geometry problems. However, it's hard to know just how slow to move in order to get good work.
OS 10.6.8
27"iMac 11,3, Magic Mouse
You have some unneeded coplanar [hidden?] edges in the facets.
Use an 'erase_coplanar_edges' tools on them first ?