[Plugin] SuSolid for 3d Printing (updated April 2014 )
@jgb said:
To me, the more useful part is the material density and weights portion. Are they part of the free version, or the pay version?
The parts are very dependent of each other.Because you have to be shore to have all solid entities if you want to weigh it.Also if you have intersections between solids,the weight will be wrong.For example if you have 2 swimming pools at the same place,the calculated weight will be double.
The free version will show you all you have to correct in your entire model (included all nested components) and the tool to delete all single edges (edges that are not connected to any face).All the tools can be applied to entire model (or selection) so you don't have to edit every single component.The weights portion is a part of pay version. -
"The weights portion is a part of pay version."
I guessed as much.
But, the solids weight calculation is based on valid solids only, so anything leading up to creating and correcting a valid solid is moot. Whether or not there are intersecting solids is not important, except in total model weight, and even then, intersecting or co-resident solids is the modelers responsibility.
I have many models with multiple co-resident/intersecting solids as part of the intended design. For example in my big airplane design I have the landing gear in 5 positions, each position on separate layers. Full up, full down, down but compressed, and 2 in-transition. I do not expect the total weights calcs to know I only want the weight for 1 set. But I do want to know the weight of each solid part that makes up 1 set. For total model weight I rely on an EXCEL spreadsheet.
So, if you can cleave the weights portion out from the total script, having only the code that defines the material density and weight of any solid (based on a single material for all faces), that would be really useful. Most of the work is already done.
And if it were free to use in true SU spirit, it would go a long way to advertise your full function paid script.
The whole idea of SuSolid plugin is coming from my need to draw a metal cabinet for production.So, step by step I realised that is good to draw everything in base of solids that can be manipulated with the Solid Tools and also to have the weight information always available.So I had to deal with a lot of small mistakes hidden deeply in sub components.The next need was to check for potential overlaps that already cost me some money for correcting the cabinet sample.
So this set of tools are proven to be very efficient for the real production job and I don't have any intention to break them apart. -
it would be very useful if the loader was a plain .rb file.
at the moment it can't be launched from a separate directory which limits it's usability for a lot of 'ruby' uses who organise there rubies in sub or separate directories/folders.
I also get this on a normal load with only this [+ the debug ruby's] in plugins and although it runs it may cause issues for SU or other rubies.
Error Loading File /Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/susolid no such file to load -- /Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/Plugins/susolid
Thanks John for pointing this out.I will check it and include the solution in the next version(expected this year).
Never seen this before. My favourit tool, never had an issue with it. now this after reinstalling SU 8 PRO. any idea
@jonorman said:
Never seen this before. My favourit tool, never had an issue with it. now this after reinstalling SU 8 PRO. any idea
no problem,you just need a newer version.
Please send me an email to info@susolid.com an I will send you a new version.
David -
Thank you.
New version works just fine. This is a great plugin and I`m still hoping for a COG feature
Its important to revive this thread, in light of David's ruby, which is capable of removing interior faces from solids. This can become a big deal if you import 3d geometry from other programs into SU. In addition its a requirement to remove interior unwanted faces if you intend to create 3D printed output of your geometry.
For additional discussion, here is my initial inquiry about this topic:
The susolid free 1_1 version caused massive bug splats on my HP laptop. Windows 7, separate video card, i7 processor and lots of ram. I had to go through all my plugins to locate this one as the culprit. Next time I will load one plugin at a time and utilize sketchup to see if the latest plugin addition is not compatible. Instead I loaded plugins like crazy only to have this one give me bugsplats. Hope someone avoids the bug hunt like I had.
Finaly a new version !!!
%(#800080)[New version 2_2 (April 2014) , what's new:
-Check for Reversed Faces in Analyse tool
-Flip Reversed Faces tool (will do just that all at once)
-Buttons Select (to hide the unused buttons from toolbar)
-Analyse Filter (to skip some inspections for better see others)
-Hide Solids (for better inspections of non-solids)
-Hide Non Intersecting Solids (for better inspections of intersecting solids)
-Inspection Line Width (for better see the small colored inspection lines)
-SU 2014 ,SU2013 and SU8 compatible][flash=425,355:2cbm4d4r]http://www.youtube.com/v/5apMm080yI8[/flash:2cbm4d4r]
The version I bought, 2011 and upgraded oin 2012, does not load in SKP 2014. And I looked at your site, there doesn't seem to be an upgrade that will load in 2014. So do I have to buy another to get a version that will load in SKP 2014?
Note, I miss not having the program in 2014. "PIA" to save go to 2013, test than back to 2014.
Thanks for your plugin
Hello Ken,
Due to many changes in every version of Sketchup and also due to many updates that I made in SuSolid Plugin,I have decided to offer the Lifetime Updates option to all my customers. That means you will receive every update of SuSolid "forever" ,for the modest price of 11 EUR (only once).
With 3d printing I have received biggest demand to continue developing my plugin and I also have more ideas to make the SuSolid plugin more 3d printing friendly and up to date.
So,if you find my plugin useful and want to support additional development,please make a purchase of the "SuSolid Lifetime Updates".I will send you (and to others) a link to your mail.
And yes,the latest version is SU2014 compatible.David Malnar
Check out this new video related to 3d Printing from SketchUp.
Is about reversed faces,that cause my first ever printed 3d model to not have 1 hole that suppose to be.Later I discovered that the face in the hole was reversed.
This is why now the SuSolid plugin can show you and fix all reversed faces in solid model.
David Malnar[flash=425,355:3j7eqwd4]http://www.youtube.com/v/7u0h0E_5EVA[/flash:3j7eqwd4]
So I have the new version and I get this error on this file.
So any help would be appreciated.
Ahh... is because of the construction line.If you delete it,you will have no errors.
Anyway I will exclude this error possibility from the code and send you a new version.In meantime just avoid construction lines for the tool that you were using.
Or you can use the free version till then,that don't have this bug,I have checked it and is ok with your model.EDIT
The version is now corrected and checked on your model.
Also the version on the server is now updated.But you can admit that i have a good debugging system
It shows me the exact line of code where the bug is
David Malnar -
You did a quick turn around and the fix works.
Thanks for the quick turn around.
Hey I love this pluging!! i buy full versiรณn im very happy with it, but how can i get the pro version for intersect tool?? i dont see on web site
Hello and sorry for the late answer,for using the intersection tool you need the pro version of Sketchup.
Hi Voljanko,
I have two questions.
First is there any other way than to pay by paypal (because otherwise I need to pay an extra 5โฌ just to charge a paypal account)?
Second question/suggestion is a little more complex.
Since The tool can check for intersection between solids it should also be able to check for touching solids (which on its self is not that useful) but I was wondering if a tool or function could be added (or maybe created by some else) that makes it possible to move components (my components are solids, so solids) along an axis until it touches the next solid in that direction (so as soon as it would be prevented in real life from moving any further).Greetings,