38 Gun Frigate L`Aurore
Hey guys, Started a New Project, Using a combination of Frigate plans for this Fictional Vessel and Named her After my favourite Author`s Ship in his latest Book "Conquest"
She is a 38 Gun British Frigate with a Length of 135 Feet, with her being Fictional she has no history so... Short post and then over to the pics
And here is the 24ft Launch :
The Launch has 20ft Sweeps (Oars) and will be sailable along with the 18ft Jolly Boat.
The Launch took 5 hours to model, the rest was started on the 25th of October 2011 -
That's brilliant.
Holy cr@p
I would say this ship already has its history
Wow! Sweet!
She needs some bow and stern chasers.
What great modeling!
These ships were so elegant. -
AWSOME ! SPEECHLESS!!! Great modelling!
That is soooo cool, nice job! If you don't mind me asking, what rendering program are you using? Again because it needs to be said again, nice job!
Whoa, thats impressive
That is some amazingly detailed modeling.
Always the boat models have the high detail on this site!
Seriously, why do I click on your posts? I get so discouraged.
All kidding aside, great as usual. Damn, but you should be getting paid by some Naval historical association/museum/university to do these!
That is shit hot!
Awesome work! Just the hull of the this beauty scares me half to death!