Can you help work out a DC formula?
Hey fellas,
I can't get this formula out.
See below:
Say I have a column that I want to array in a line [x]. I want to divide the spacing between each to a maximum of 2700 and a minimum of 2400. If less than divisible by 2700, the spacings would be divided equally across total Len X.
For the life of me; I have a mental block!!!
You need a few traps first.
LenX must be >= 2400, <= 2700 or >= 4800 etc etc
Because a LenX of 2399 is too small and 2701 is too big to divide up at all; and then up to 4799 can't be divided into spacings in the 2400 to 2700 range either etc etc... SO it's quite possible to have a raft of sizes that can never be divided between 2400 and 2700 spacings...
So LenX itself has to be determined by the nearest integer x 2400 to 2700 range, and not the other way round.
BUT how is the user to decide on this? Do they input the number and spacing to set LenX ?
OR given LenX is pre-set use an entered spacing - like 2400 to adjust LenX to be the nearest whole number - so it LenX==5000 and the spacing is 2400 LenX is adjusted to 4800; if the spacing were 2700 LenX becomes 5400...
I see what you mean, TIG.
I guess I would want the DC to operate like this:
Scale in the X only to a user defined length. A post would be located at the beginning and end of Len X [would like to create an option to toggle either 'post to start' or post to end']. Intermediate posts would be spaced at a maximum of 2700. Maybe in Component Options the user inputs number of spacings which shows the spacing dimension....