Export Camera in Blender
This http://rhin.crai.archi.fr/rld/plugin_details.php?id=58 might do what you want...
Thanks guys, I'll let you know ...
(sorry my English isn't perfect)
@natato said:
(sorry my English isn't perfect)
That's ok, neither is mine and I've been speaking it since I was a baby!
Bravo, Fullmer.
Hi, I tried it with "ExpCams2Blender"
but I can not make it work.Then I found a manual mode:
- download "GSU8AdvancedCameraTools" plugin
- Cam create in SketchUp
- Blender export (obj mode)
Now we have the coordinates in Blender and SketchUp Cam, you just have to insert a blender and adjust Cam.
What doesn't work? It used to work, it shouldn't be hard to get it working again. Does it give errors, did you just install it wrong (have you installed other plugins?). Did it show up in the menu system in SketchUp somewhere? Was there any material/tutorials to read?
Lots of questions, but most plugins tend to work. So give us some more info and we can probably help it work.
The plugin (in SU window "Plug-in") generates an export file "name.py"
Import into Blender (whit text editor),
from there I can not go on .... -
A Blender .py file is like a SUp script [.rb] you need to run it in Blender [somehow]...
TIG's right, then the plugin "ExpCams2Blender" is working.
@natato said:
TIG's right, then the plugin "ExpCams2Blender" is working.
Please clarify.
Are you saying you now have it working ?
If so can you explain a little of how you did it - so that others might also benefit from this...
[I expect it's some like:
inside blender hit [SHIFT + F11] to switch to a text window (it is a good idea to split the screen first, so you can still see the 3D scene).
Hit [ALT + o] or select Open from the File menu and load the script (the file with .py extension)
Now perhaps hit [ALT + p] and the script runs ???] -
- In the SU "Plug-in/ExpCams2Blender/Export Individual Cameras",
- export files "name.py"
- Blender Import file (open with Text Editor, and we are the coordinates of the Cam)
So, the plugin works correctly.
Then I'm sorry but I do not know about Blender to continue ... -
Do you have a version of Blender? Do you have a version of Python language? Should be loaded with Blender. The file extension for Python is ".py". Is there a conversion you must make from .rb to .py?