[Plugin] Texture Resizer (1.5.6) — updated 15.05.2013
@aerilius said:
I haven't found yet a pre-compiled portable single-file "ImageMagick.app".
I haven't either, and I've been looking for 2 years, MacPorts is a nightmare and compiling from source fraught with error.
I have installed lots of other stuff through Terminal, but ImageMagick and GraphisMagic evade me.
On OSX 10.5.[*] the problems stem from a poor implementation of X11 in the Xcode bundle,
so you need the appropriate version from X11 to start with. [If 'InkScape.app' works, X11 has been updated by Apple/Xcode for you.]All the other dependancies are also OSX Version specific, but not necessarily in a straightforward way.
I'll have another dig, but I'm not sure I can help.
it's Aerilius first plugin...
he is a super Earth modeler !
I know he's got some awesome plugin to come
he is my hero !
I didn't notice this plugin until now.
I see you're using ImageMagik - if you are willing to require that the users have a recent SketchUp version ( SketchUp 8 Maintenance Release 1 ) then you can use
to write out smaller versions of the material's texture.http://code.google.com/apis/sketchup/docs/ourdoc/material.html#write_thumbnail
Cross platform, native to SketchUp, and doesn't require dependencies other than an updated SketchUp 8M1.
Thanks for that tip! I haven't found it or thought about it. That's probably the most straight-forward way to do the current features cross-platform and inside SketchUp. I'll test how it works with different resolutions.
On the other side, ImageMagick is very powerful to do more advanced image manipulation (I've thought about cropping, distortion and more features) and for higher-quality output (Sinc-Lanczos). -
Yea, it's much more limited in the output. You cannot specify compression level for JPEGs for instance. And the output must be at least 1px smaller than the original.
But it's a nice little addition to the API that might be useful.
Ah yea... that is an annoying limitation...
I tested
and it failed too often. It seems there are absurd limitations. Theresolution
argument only accepts values that are 1px smaller than the smaller length of [width, height], but "resolution" is always applied as the maximum length. Thus an image of 102433 can only be resized with resolution=32, whereas resolution=31 fails because 31(33/1024) < 1, so you never can get 500*16. -
Thanks! I've been wanting a plugin like this. Nice work!
thank you very much realy great work respect
i hope google see whats going on here on the plugins front -
Hi Aerilius,
have managed a Mac install of ImageMagicks using Homebrew http://mxcl.github.com/homebrew/ the nice thing is it sorts out all the dependencies for the system it's running on...
I now get this in Terminal,
%(#0080BF)[$ which convert
but I get your 'install advice' in SUalso, I get... I can pull more details if you want...
%(#0080BF)[$ convert -v
Version: ImageMagick 6.7.1-1 2011-10-27 Q16 http://www.imagemagick.org$ convert -list type
TrueColor]I had to completely get rid of MacPorts before I had any joy compiling [and reinstall my system ruby that MacPorts had modified...]
I'll try some things Saturday night, soo if you have any ideas let me know.
hi Aerilius,
the default text is still not appearing and neither is any obvious "Goldilocks' integration...
thanks for the thanks, but it's all your hard work, I'm just playing and making your life harder....
PS. can you reply in the thread as well, I don't get the notifications when you just edit the head message,
is that standard? -
@unknownuser said:
the default text is still not appearing and neither is any obvious "Goldilocks' integration...
Both indicate that I didn't get the javascript started in Safari. I hope I fixed it now in 1.2.1
still a negative on that captain...
this is pulled from SU
<html><head> <title>Resize Textures in model</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset = UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="MSThemeCompatible" content="Yes"> <style type="text/css"> body{background-color;Window;color;WindowText;font;message-box;user-select;none;cursor;default;overflow;hidden} input{vertical-align;middle;} fieldset{text-indent;0px!important;margin-bottom;10px;margin-right;0px!important} input[type=text]{background-color;Window;border;1px ButtonShadow solid;margin;1px;padding;0px} input[type=text][disabled]{background-color;ButtonFace;border;1px ButtonShadow solid} input[type=text].num{text-align;right;width;40px;padding-right;2px} button{min-width;70px;font;message-box;color;ButtonText;padding;1px} .buttons{float;right;margin-top;10px;padding;0px} #body{position;absolute;left;0px;top;0px;margin;0px;padding;20px;overflow;hidden} #options ul{list-style-type;none;margin;0px;padding;0px} #options>ul, #options fieldset>ul{display;block!important;} #options li{display;block!important} #options ul ul{display;inline!important} #options ul ul li{display;inline!important;padding-left;15px!important} .progress-bg{position;absolute;left;0px;top;0px;z-index;1000;margin;0px;width;100%;height;100%;background;url(data;image/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAEAAAABCAYAAAAfFcSJAAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAAAAZiS0dEAP8A/wD/oL2nkwAAAAlwSFlzAAALEwAACxMBAJqcGAAAAA1JREFUCNdjCAkJqQcAA3gBfJ4UYBwAAAAASUVORK5CYII=)} .progressbar{position;absolute;left;50%;top;50%;z-index;1001;width;140px;height;80px;margin-left;-70px;margin-top;-40px;padding;1px;background;Window;border;Window 1px inset;appearance;progressbar;-moz-appearance;progressbar;-webkit-appearance;progressbar} .progressbar-state{width;48px;height;48px;background;Highlight;margin-left;46px;margin-top;8px;background;url(loadinfo.gif) no-repeat} #progressbar-action{position;absolute;top;50%;left;0px;margin-top;15px;width;100%;text-align;center;color;WindowText} </style> </head> <body id="body"> <form id="options"> <fieldset> <legend>Resizing method</legend> <ul> <li> <input type="radio" name="method" value="percent" id="method-percent"> <label for="method-percent" title="Calculates the dimensions depending on the textures original pixel size.">Percentage;</label> <ul> <li> <input type="text" name="percentage" value="" class="num"> % </li> </ul> <br> <input type="radio" name="method" value="resolution" id="method-resolution"> <label for="method-resolution" title="Calculates the dimensions depending on the metric size of the texture as it is used in the model.">Depending on real-world resolution;</label> <ul> <li> <input type="text" name="resolution" value="" class="num"> pixel per meter </li> <br> <li> <input type="checkbox" name="resolution-by-faces" id="resolution-by-faces"> <label for="resolution-by-faces" title="This gives a very accurate and consistent texture resolution, but is slow. If you deal with 20000+ polygons, you might uncheck this.">consider texture dimensions on each single face</label> </li> </ul> <style type="text/css" id="style0">.goldilocks{display;none!important}</style> <br class="goldilocks"> <input class="goldilocks" type="radio" name="method" value="goldilocks" id="method-goldilocks"> <label class="goldilocks" for="method-goldilocks" title="Calculates the dimensions depending on the current viewport using the plugin Goldilocks.">Goldilocks resolution;</label> <ul class="goldilocks"> <li> <input type="text" name="goldilocks-resolution" value="" class="num goldilocks"> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </fieldset> <ul> <li> <input type="checkbox" name="limit" id="limit"> <label for="limit" title="Optional. No width or height shall be longer/shorter than the following limit;">Limit;</label> <ul> <li> maximum size <input type="text" name="max" value="" maxlength="4" class="num"> px, </li> <li> minimum size <input type="text" name="min" value="" maxlength="4" class="num"> px </li> </ul> </li> <li> <input type="checkbox" name="compression" id="compression"> <label for="compression" title="Optional. Compresses all jpeg textures to the following percentage. If not set, the original texture's quality setting will be used.">Compress jpeg textures?</label> <ul> <li> quality <input type="text" name="jpeg-quality" value="" title="recommended; not lower than 75" maxlength="3" class="num"> % </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <input type="hidden" id="results"> </form> <span class="buttons"> <button onclick="javascript:returnOptions()">OK</button> <button onclick="window.location='skp;cancel'">Cancel</button> </span> <div class="progress-bg" id="overlay" style="display;none"> <div class="progressbar"><div class="progressbar-state" id="progress"></div><div id="progressbar-action"> Processing . . .</div></div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> function $(id){return document.getElementById(id)} function inObject(value, object){for(i in object){ if(i==value){return true} };return false} function puts(s){window.location = 'skp;puts@"'+s+'"'} // resize the height of the webdialog so that everything fits well // measures the html's dimensions function resizeHeight() { window.location = 'skp;resizeHeight@['+($("body").clientWidth|$("body").scrollWidth)+','+($("body").clientHeight|$("body").scrollHeight)+']'; } // disable input elements inside element <el> // a parent container contains a checkbox/several radio buttons // and for each a list <ul> with child inputs function toggleDisabled(el){ return function(){ var p = el.parentNode.childNodes; // one checkbox or several radio buttons inside the parent container var checkradio = []; for(var i=0;i<p.length;i++){ if(p[i].nodeName=="INPUT"&&(p[i].type=="checkbox"||p[i].type=="radio")) checkradio.push(p[i]) }; // corresponding containers with lower-level inputs that should be disabled/enabled var ul = []; for(var i=0;i<p.length;i++){ if(p[i].nodeName=="UL") ul.push(p[i]) }; for(var i=0;i<checkradio.length;i++){ if(!ul[i]){continue} // enable all child inputs if(checkradio[i].checked==true){ var inputs = ul[i].getElementsByTagName("input"); for(var j=0;j<inputs.length;j++){inputs[j].removeAttribute('disabled')} } else{ // or disable all child inputs var inputs = ul[i].getElementsByTagName("input"); for(var j=0;j<inputs.length;j++){inputs[j].disabled=true} } } } } function startProgress(){ $("overlay").style.display="block"; } function endProgress(){ o=$("overlay").style.display="none"; } function start(object){ // load defaults // identifies input elements when their name matches the default option's name var inputs=$("options").getElementsByTagName("input"); for(var j=0;j<inputs.length;j++){var i=inputs[j]; if( (inObject(i.name,object)) && (i.type=="radio" && object[i.name]==i.value || i.type!="radio") ){ if(i.type=="checkbox"){ i.checked = object[i.name]; } else if(i.type=="radio"){ i.checked = true; } else{ i.value = object[i.name] } } var t=toggleDisabled(i); t(); i.onclick=toggleDisabled(i); }; void(0); } // this is the magic function // it returns all user input // checkboxes are identified by their "name" attribute and return true/false // radio buttons are identified by their "name" and return the string of the "value" attribute function returnOptions(){ var user_input=[]; inputs=document.getElementsByTagName("input"); for(var j=0;j<inputs.length;j++){i=inputs[j]; if(i.type=="checkbox"&&i.name&&!i.disabled){user_input.push('"'+i.name+'" =\> '+i.checked)} else if(i.type=="radio"&&i.name&&i.checked&&!i.disabled){user_input.push('"'+i.name+'" =\> "'+i.value+'"')} else if(i.type=="text"&&!i.disabled&&i.className.search(/\bnum\b/i)!=-1){user_input.push('"'+i.name+'" =\> "'+parseInt(i.value)+'"')} else if(i.type=="text"&&!i.disabled){user_input.push('"'+i.name+'" =\> "'+i.value+'"')} } var user_input="{"+user_input.join(", ")+"}"; $("results").value=user_input; window.location='skp;receiveOptions'; } // init function init(){ window.location='skp;init@'; // measures the window's inner dimensions window.location='skp;windowInner@['+(window.innerWidth|document.documentElement.clientWidth)+','+(window.innerHeight|document.documentElement.clientHeight)+']'; window.onresize=resizeHeight; } init() </script></body></html>
reloading dose nothing different... except mess up the resize the first time but that's the SU topdown nonsense...
I just tried
<button onclick="puts(s)">Defaults</button>
and get ReferenceError: Can't find variable: s
1.2.2 is working a treat on Mac 10.5.8 so I did a test with the now integrated Goldilocks settings.
for a test I grabbed a 'Velux slideshow' from the warehouse, ran goldilocks to see what the texture sizes were
ran Texture Resizer set at 4 and pulled 0.2MB out of the file-size, then re-ran at 1.2 and got a small additional reduction in size of 0.1MB.
The original was only 4.1MB so reducing it to 3.8MB without any noticeable degradation in 3-4 mins is pretty slick.
I did have one projected texture that needed re-positioning.
here's the latest mac screenshot, after I added that 's'.....
It finally looks really great, Thanks for all your help!
It's probably time to make a real Ruby Webdialog toolkit so that webdialogs don't look anymore like websites, but like native OS dialogs.@driven said:
I did have one projected texture that needed re-positioning.
I have no idea what could cause this. The plugin doesn't touch UV coordinates but just replaces the texture images. Since SketchUp changes the aspect ratio and scale after re-importing, the plugin has to override it again with the old scale (it should work, but maybe there is a problem). Can you give me a link to the Velux model, then I can have a look tomorrow?
Great plug-in but I'm having serious problems.
When I apply any changes no matter what settings are ticked, it messes with all the colours really badly, haven't got a clue why its doing this?
I've attached 2 thumbnails of before and after.
Lukeedit; just updated to the latest version but its not working? attached another screenshot below of the blank window i get
Sorry Luke,
the blank screen, thats the missing "S", I referred to..
the "TextureResizerOptions.htm" file needs the 's' added to it's name,
[in Finder, select file >> then return >> then right arrow >> add the [s] >> click out.]Luke, what format are the texture files?
Also, I always use Goldilocks first to get an overview at the screen size I think people should view at, then select and reduce.
@Aerilus, the windows surround curved sides, complete 'slide' shows the problem http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/cldetails?mid=b74580f8fed2b7691ae371d97b34cb90
awesome all works now I updated to the new version and changed the file name!
I have a suggestion:
Could you have an option to stop it from upscaling images when using the px/m option please?
Nothing is gained but its cancelling out the point of downscaling the images. i.e. some images go down in size reducing the file size, but some image then get upscaled increasing file size and your back to where you started.This would be massively beneficial and allow me to get the best file size / quality.