Material Testing Model
Personally I think the Test balls are almost useless for Architectural materials. None of the balls I've seen incorporate any flat faces (all seem to be nice and ball shaped
) and most architectural materials end up of flat faces (brick, metal panel, wood, etc) and so doesn't represent well on a round object. Just my 2cents.
I agree.
That's why in the licensed user materials forum they use different ways for different materials, like this way for flooring:
The test ball is a standard to get a sense of how a material will render. I agree that they aren't great for arch materials, but the test ball has been a standard because it lets you see the material in a variety of situations. Maybe we create our own? I will mock one up and you guys give a try if you want also. Our goal here is to make a material testing object that is best suited for architectural materials.
@valerostudio said:
Our goal here is to make a material testing object that is best suited for architectural materials.
It could be interesting.. Also lets try and see what happens on the top of curved walls
Like so:
Sorry for the delay on this, but here is my first shot at it.
I really like that test model. Any chance you can post the .skp for it?
Looks like Alan modeled one in the traditional format for those of you with a FormFonts sub.
@rspierenburg said:
I really like that test model. Any chance you can post the .skp for it?
In case anyone wants to play with the model I put together.
Great Test model!
Right down to the impression of the logo
This is gonna make me sound very stupid, but how did you do that bit? Did you draw over an image of the logo in su?
thanks will be one of the guys who will play it now..
@alcohorse said:
Great Test model!
Right down to the impression of the logo
This is gonna make me sound very stupid, but how did you do that bit? Did you draw over an image of the logo in su?
You can trace it or you if hate tracing (like me) you can import the image into Illustrator, convert to vector using Live Trace, export to DWG and it should make a face in SU (hopefully).
I dont know if I push the playing for this model too much...
Fantastic! This looks like the makings of a great vismat site!!!
i dont know where this will go, but so many interest, lots are wanting to pitch in on which im happy. we would like to retain the valero studio
. I hope there will be a script that automates the process of applying the material to the model. and you dont do it manually.
I appreciate the credit for the model. If it makes it cleaner, feel free to take it off the model. Kudos on the website is enough for me. Thanks.
Thanks a lot for that site Nomeradona !
valerostudio.. i think its ok.. i love the text hehehe. as for the other types of material, i think i have to reworked the post.. into squarish... you know so its easy for mapping