Extrude by curved vector!
What you show is NOT '2 edges'.
It's one edge and a curve that's made of several edges.
Some forms like arcs are made as 'curves'
You can also 'weld' selected edges together into a curve using 'weld.rb' available form Smustard.com .
Then you can use these curves with other tools like 'Extrude Edges By Rails'.
That tool will process one or two curves as profiles and one or two curves as rails.
This is an example -
Dear TIG
I dont know why did I call that an edge
Thank you for your solution. my problem in using other extrudes is sometimes path or profile is exploded.(I am confused why this happen to me and Ive asked and didnt get a good answer) so selecting them is so hard ... especially with my system which the action after selecting is 1 or 2 second later.
If you are having graphics issues - e.g. delay in selecting - try adjusting the OpenGL settings under Window > Preferences...
Also check your graphics card driver is u to date and that its options/settings allow Sketchup access to adjust how it's used... -
I have asked about this problem and there was not any hope for a solution...
I tried many things but I think problem is bigger.
Thank you for your concern Dear TIG.I appreciate it