Sun Light Problems
ive tired following youtube videos, dont have a clue what ive done wrong, i only know the basics of Vray so any help would be good, thanks
the sky is way to dark and the light is really bright
take a look for tutorials on the Physical Camera in Vray
Perhaps the intensity of the sun. You use a background from a hdri ?
It also looks like the position of the sun. -
Reset your Options to the Default by hitting the default button and adjust your output size. These settings are an overall good starting place.
still having problems! the light is too bright whatever i do. ive set it to default and its still just as bright as before. its like the sun is right ontop of the drawing, the shadows dont even show up that are there before i render it. theres no videos on youtube for the most recent vray for lighting only indoor.
all i want realy is a nice simple shadow affect! to give the drawings a bit more life.
are you using the "load defaults" button as shown below or are you loading a visopt? I'll make a wild guess that you are loading a visopt from an older version of vfsu? That would cause unexpected rendering results since the way vray calculates lighting has changed from when those older visopts were made.
I agree with Andy. If you load the defaults, you should get a fairly decent rendering using the SU sun.